New chicks - 1st day home! (Also looking for BR sex opinions)

The head spot definitely looked more pullet-ish (to me) than the other BR chicks that were there, but the legs are not very dark, so...I guess I will find out in time.

Now I'm wondering if my Red Sex-Link is really a pullet. It was labeled as one, but I think its color looks a little bit light for a pullet. I wasn't originally planning on getting a RSL, so I hadn't read up on them before going and didn't know the pullets were supposed to be the darker ones...
Thank you! I decided to just get one each of a few different breeds, because I have never had chickens before, and I don't know which breeds I like the best yet! So this way I get to compare and contrast. I don't think you can go wrong with what you ordered, though.
The legs are awful stout and light........ I'd have to label that one "on the fence" I thought the more pronounced head spot was a male trait....? I picked out 4 BRs last year and only had one turn roo, but I've forgotten most of the sexing tricks. Good luck!
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One of my new EE babies looks just like your pretty little dark one. They're so cute!

I think your BR is a pullet. Your brown leghorn should develop a large comb within 3 or 4 weeks, I think, if it's a cockerel. You shouldn't have to wait long to know on that one.
Females do have white on the head. You're thinking of black sex-links, I think. Males have a white spot, females don't. With barred rocks, all of them do. Females tend to be more distinct, with more clear edges, while males are usually larger and less defined. Females have darker down, and a darker wash down the legs than males do.

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