New chicks 2 months old

JBQ at home 70

Jul 30, 2023
I am new to BYC and in need of advise. I need to mix my 2 year old chickens with 14 2 month old chicks. The last few weeks I have had my brooder up next to the run of the older chickens. my question is do I put the new chicks in the run or do I put them in the hen house and let them find there own way into the run with the older chickens? They are all the same breed, 1/2 Pearle White Leghorns and 1/2 Red Stars. Any advise you can give me is appreciated. Thxs J B
So they have not had any face to face interaction at all? You'd want to start by letting them do that with you supervising, so you can watch for any signs of trouble.

If your run is not cluttered up: to provide hiding spots, you want to do that first. Also adding extra feeders spread around will help reduce confrontations over food. The chicks may be too large at this point to add a chick only safe zone, where you'd have an enclosed or separate area with a few openings only large enough for chicks to fit through, so they can use it to escape harassment, but it would not hurt to try setting one up.
They have had face to face through the wire of the brooder and the run. I have been doing that for about 2 weeks every day for about 4/6 hrs a day. My open run is 10x45 chicken wire enclosed with a wire covered top.
I'd go ahead and try letting them meet without a fence, with supervision. Just an hour or two in the run at first is fine, and expand on time from there. For me having them in the coop is the last step, I want to make sure they're all getting along in the larger run space before they get locked up with adults.

Expect some kerfuffles, the younger ones need to learn to use clutter and space to protect themselves from the older birds, but as long as no one is physically injured or youngsters are prevented from eating/drinking for extended periods of time, it's acceptable. Assuming you already have clutter in there, rearranging some of it just before introduction may help a tiny bit in throwing off the hens as the youngsters are introduced.
Good morning, I have my run addition almost complete. Should be finished by next weekend. It will give the 25 birds a run 10x47 ft. completely enclosed. I just want to thank you for all the great help and advise you have offered me. I have put this question out on chicken blogs and received no replies except form you and for that i am grateful. Thank you , have a Blessed day. J B Quinn, Lodge S C
So they have not had any face to face interaction at all? You'd want to start by letting them do that with you supervising, so you can watch for any signs of trouble.

If your run is not cluttered up: to provide hiding spots, you want to do that first. Also adding extra feeders spread around will help reduce confrontations over food. The chicks may be too large at this point to add a chick only safe zone, where you'd have an enclosed or separate area with a few openings only large enough for chicks to fit through, so they can use it to escape harassment, but it would not hurt to try setting one up.
I'd go ahead and try letting them meet without a fence, with supervision. Just an hour or two in the run at first is fine, and expand on time from there. For me having them in the coop is the last step, I want to make sure they're all getting along in the larger run space before they get locked up with adults.

Expect some kerfuffles, the younger ones need to learn to use clutter and space to protect themselves from the older birds, but as long as no one is physically injured or youngsters are prevented from eating/drinking for extended periods of time, it's acceptable. Assuming you already have clutter in there, rearranging some of it just before introduction may help a tiny bit in throwing off the hens as the youngsters are introduced.

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