New Compound--Phase 2 COMPLETED!!!!

I put wire down under the coop that comes out a good 2 feet on all sides. Same with the run. It's then got a landscape timber or some type of lumber on top of edge of the wire. Then covered with mulch and leaves. Coop has about 6 inches of leaves in the bottom
By the pics I see that preds could be close by in those woods. Good that you are taking precautions. A fence charger will prove to be your best friend unless you have an all-weather dog on duty out there. Good find and good conversion work. Way to use what is at hand.
Did you put wire under the entire floor or just around the outside?? I am so paranoid about predators!!

Yup!. Most of it is 2x4 or 2x2 fencing wire. Most of it is 2 ft out, but some of it is 4ft out. Come spring I'll plant some ground cover on top of the mulch that will grow through the wire and hold it down even more.

Only time I have a had a problem with predators was when my birds were free ranging and were attacked by feral cats and neighbors dogs.

Oh and a 5ft Black Racer that climbed through the wire and was eating eggs. Guess he was too big for the girls to eat.
Phase 2 went into effect very quickly. New pullets were on their way today. Friend was brining me 3 OEG pullets .

Little yellow playhouse.


Back windown Wired. This window will be up against the run and will remain shut at all times. (it's actually up again the support post in the back and can't be opened)


Pop door cut.


Pop door framed and wired into the run.Roosts also installed. It's framed on the run side as well.


Nestbox/milk crate installed (not a real good picture) there is more room than this. It's there, they just arent laying yet.


Phase 2 of Pueblo del Pollo is finish!!


Supervisor returning from as snack break.


Chicken poop snack break!

ETA--white corrigated plastic signs in the corners cover up areas that would cause drafts.
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Yup. First one is attached with eye hooks and hog rings. The 2nd is framed around the pop hole on the coop side and on the run side using 2x6's and hardware cloth. They have access to the runs as soon as they are up in the am.

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