New coop, neighborhood dogs


May 9, 2022
Central Indiana
So there is a band of three to four muts that get out and run the block (in the country) We think we know the owners, but aren't sure.
They mainly just run up and down the road. the run through yards and I am not sure if they have done any damage anywhere, not mean, but just not right, all have collars.
Saturday morning, woke to see one running from the coop area. All the chicken were scared to death. The stayed in the coop most of the day after that.
There were muddy claw/paw marks all over the coop on all sides. I don't know if it was just the one or the whole group. No damage was done, and I am not sure if it was just wanting to harass or the wanted a meal.
Looking for options.
Would rather just put out a deterrent than getting cops involved.
Can you put capsicum (sp?) on the ground around the coop, maybe a foot away in a ring to irritated the dogs but keep the birds safe? Or would it irritate them as well?
Would apply it in a liquid form be better so it can't blow? But would leave a coating on the ground?
Have you considered putting electric fencing/hot wire around the coop/pen ?
Yeah, we talked about it, it's a ways from the house, running power to it is not ideal.
I was thinking barbed wire, two rows on stand-offs about 2-3 inches off the surface of the coop and maybe at 15 and 30 inches up... Now of this stops them from running around it bark at them though... then again, not much would.
Yeah, we talked about it, it's a ways from the house, running power to it is not ideal.
Running power isn't necessary, they make solar powered ones, which I can attest, are VERY effective. Damn thing makes me nearly jump out of my skin and does the same for the dogs. They will hit it once or twice and be afraid for the area for a year.
Calcium isn't going to do anything. Either you spend the money to fence in your yard, coop/run, or they will be back. IMHO... You shouldn't have to spend that money. The irresponsible dog owners should keep their dogs in check.

The dogs aren't looking for a meal, their chase instinct has kicked in.
Good luck, there's no easy solution.
Running power isn't necessary, they make solar powered ones, which I can attest, are VERY effective. Damn thing makes me nearly jump out of my skin and does the same for the dogs. They will hit it once or twice and be afraid for the area for a year.
Seconding this!

You can also buy DC chargers and charge a marine battery inside as needed. I've only used mine twice but battery was at 40% after about a month on poultry netting. Traditional wire may extend that.
You shouldn't have to spend that money. The irresponsible dog owners should keep their dogs in check.
While I agree with you that the dogs should be controlled, there is also the argument that this investment will be used to deter wild predators too. An electric fence just so happens to work on domestic dogs too.

...along side of raccoons, wild cats, domestic cats, drunken humans, ect...
I agree with @sourland 's suggestion. Solar fence chargers are not as expensive as you might think and can be installed anywhere, no need for an electrical outlet or long cord.

I recently bought one that charges five miles of fence for less than $100. Electric fence wire is much much cheaper than barbed wire and extremely easy to install as compared to barbed wire and not nearly as irritating.

The secret is to bait the wire with something predators find irresistable such as peanut butter. I take a small square of hardware cloth and fold it in half and slip these over the wire at regular intervals with the peanut butter dabbed on them. The dog will lick it and get a painful shock on the mouth and decide the pain connected with chickens isn't worth the trouble and agony.

In most counties, you are permitted by law to execute the dogs threatening your livestock.
In most counties, you are permitted by law to execute the dogs threatening your livestock.
While you aren't wrong, I always like to suggest caution with this approach. Even if someone is 100% in the wrong with letting their dog roam and potentially killing livestock, killing said dog could bring the wrath of the owner in any number of forms - including killing of your livestock. I strongly suggest against this route, but if you absolutely must go this route, make damn sure they never find out it was you.
My preferred method to utilizing this law is to warn the dog owners that their dogs will be shot the next time it happens. Those owners I've confronted in this manner took my threat/promise very seriously and either rehomed their dogs or took steps to confine them. This saves the hassle of shooting and removing the dogs and/or facing dog owner wrath in the wake of shooting them, and it puts all the responsibility back onto the dog owners for their dogs' safety and well being.

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