New ducklings!

@chickens really my husband named it Rubber Ducky. We just went to the feed store and got another duck (and a turkey...) and my daughter named the new duck Sticks. Believe me, not my choices!

And yes, I believe it's a Rouen.
@chickens really my husband named it Rubber Ducky. We just went to the feed store and got another duck (and a turkey...) and my daughter named the new duck Sticks. Believe me, not my choices!

And yes, I believe it's a Rouen.
Okay you cannot have just one turkey you know that right? they are flock animals also so you need to go right back to TSC and get it a friend..
Okay you cannot have just one turkey you know that right? they are flock animals also so you need to go right back to TSC and get it a friend.. :lol:    ;)

I just tossed him in with our baby chicks-the last turkey we had was sure she was a chicken and did great. I can't believe it was my husband who wanted one!
Ellie's all healed up! I can't even tell which leg was hurt

They went out for a wagon ride around the neighborhood! They liked it, which was completely unexpected.

They are both doing well. I spent a lot of time socializing them this week (Spring Break), and I think it's paid off. Luna likes being held more than Ellie
Ellie's all healed up! I can't even tell which leg was hurt :D  
They went out for a wagon ride around the neighborhood! They liked it, which was completely unexpected. :p
They are both doing well. I spent a lot of time socializing them this week (Spring Break), and I think it's paid off. Luna likes being held more than Ellie

That is great news...I told you she would be fine...;)

Please post some new pictures!....:)
That's too bad...


What luck, right? But I'm glad we got lots of pictures before the camera stopped working.
They're so cute! I was sitting on the floor eating grapes and cheese, and Luna took the grapes right out of my hand! Then she enlisted Ellie to try and break the skin

I gave them some chopped up grapes instead (I think Luna prefers to chew on my hair)..
That's too bad...:(

Yeah :/  
What luck, right? But I'm glad we got lots of pictures before the camera stopped working. 
They're so cute! I was sitting on the floor eating grapes and cheese, and Luna took the grapes right out of my hand! Then she enlisted Ellie to try and break the skin :gig  
I gave them some chopped up grapes instead (I think Luna prefers to chew on my hair).. 

They sound very well loved...:)

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