Hi, my name is Neal and I'm from Perth, Western Australia. While searching for answers to chicken questions I have been reading helpful threads from members of backyard chickens, so thanks.
I have 3 ISA Browns and 2 Barnevelders. This morning my youngest Barnevelder has a limp wing (see photo attached). I tried bracing it this morning with a section of old stocking but she wriggles out, I'm thinking I should probably persist. The wing moves well and has no obvious signs of a break. I suspect she got caught on a strand of wire (since removed) that I had in the coop to stop the laying on top of the nesting boxes. She is eating and moving well, a bit more subdued than normal though.
I guess my question is should I persist Nd brace the wing or is will the wing heal back in place on its own?
Thanks and I look forward to more conversations.