New hatchling and I am at a loss

Yep, that's the umbilical area. The bird hatched too soon and didn't absorb the yolk sac and intestines. Infection will surely kill this baby.

I would put the chick down.
Thank you for helping me with posting the picture I sooo appreciate it. I hope this pictures is detailed enough to show what is happening. I believe this is where the umbilical cord.
AAAARRRRGGGGG!!!! so how do you "put it down"? I don't want to be any crueler than what I have made it suffer so far.
Sigh...I see no one has advised yet and I don't want to but here goes. If you are at all squeamish you may want to have someone else do it. I'm sure you probably do not have a CO2 tank so the quickest way to dispatch is scissors (decapitation). Big, sharp pair and do it quickly. If it helps you could put the scissors in place and slide your hand, scissors and chick under a towel so you won't see yourself do it. Make sense? OR make a mad run to the vet if you cannot do it yourself. Either way it is no fun at all. Sorry.
So sorry.
So is it pretty much unanimous that there's no way this chick can survive? Anyone ever have a good outcome with this?

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