New here, can't wait for chickens!

Sarahs Hens

5 Years
Mar 14, 2017
Saratoga NY

My husband and i just recently decided to raise a small flock in our backyard in upstate NY. We're anxiously awaiting the snow to melt so we can set up (and reinforce) our chicken coop. Then comes the fun part of getting chickens! We're in a small area, close to the neighbors so we wont be able to let them free range without supervusion. So we plan to keep 3 in an ample size coop/run combo and let them wander when we're home from work and on weekends.

I've done some research on chicken breeds and am having some "analysis paralysis" lol... they all sound wonderful to raise! Most importantly we want a breed that can handle the cold and heat well (we've had -15 some winters and above 90 in summer). Since they will be in a run most of the time we need a breed that will be okay with confinement (still allowing 10 sqft for each of course). Temperment is really important too as well as noise. We are right up against the neighbors so too much ruckus wouldn't be good. We're looking at Barred Rocks, Easter Eggers, Speckled Sussex and Welsummers.

Given our plans for a small flock, is it best to stick with one breed? Also I've been having trouble finding sources that will sell small quantities. We'd love to start with older pullets and wouldnt mind driving a few states away to pick them up.

I have been talking chickens for over a month now (my poor husband) and just cant wait to be out the garden with them and spoiling them with homegrown veggies! So happy to join your community :)

Greetings from Kansas, Sarah, and
! Pleased to have you in our flock! I am a believer in a mixed flock and I think the breeds you selected should work well for your climate as well as the low noise requirements. If they are a little squawky, I'm sure delivering a dozen eggs to the neighbors now and again can forgive quite a bit!
If you haven't visited the Learning Center yet, here's the link:
It will provide you with a fast start on your poultry expedition.
And if you want to chat with some fellow NY poultry folks, find your state thread in the link below and say howdy:
Best wishes and thanks for joining BYC!!
Hi Sarah, Look in the paper , craigs list just before your ready to get them. People buy them for the kids at Easter and get tired of them right away so its a great place to pick some up that will be a few months old. I live in Maryland and we have Orpingtons we have one buff and 3 reg Orpingtons. We have neighbors directly behind us as well as on both sides. I have had them almost a year now and no complaints from any of my neighbors. We have the heat and cold but not as cold as you do. We have been down to maybe 5 degrees and recently had snow and ice storm last week again. They did fine, just add a few extras like heat with your water so it don't freeze. Add a little more straw or hay inside the coop to give them some extra warmth if your expecting a big storm to him. We also kept them in the coop and close off the run for 2 days because of all the ice. We didn't want a hurt chicken. Opened up the run when the ice was gone but there was still snow on the ground. Just keep a check on their feet so there is no frost bite. Good luck let me know what kind of chickens you end up with.
Welcome to BYC! It's great to have you.

There is no one "best breed." There are dozens that are good for beginners. All the ones you mentioned would be fine choices. For a beginner I would suggest a mixed flock over a single-breed flock - this allows you to differentiate birds and learn which breeds you like.
G’Day from down under Sarah

As you have already received some good advice and links to some great starting points, I will just wish you all the best .. very exciting!

I hope you enjoy being a BYC member. There are lots of friendly and very helpful folks here so not only is it overflowing with useful information it is also a great place to make friends and have some fun.

If you would like to share pictures and stories of your flock when they arrive, you have come to the right place. BYC’ers never tire of these and do not back away slowly or commence eye rolling when the photo album or home videos come out
Welcome to BYC! It's great to have you.

There is no one "best breed." There are dozens that are good for beginners. All the ones you mentioned would be fine choices. For a beginner I would suggest a mixed flock over a single-breed flock - this allows you to differentiate birds and learn which breeds you like.

I, too, am a big supporter of starting with a nice mixed flock. Choose a few different breeds you think you might like and see how those birds go for you - after the first year you'll have a feel for which ones are or are not working out as you hoped and you can then cycle the birds accordingly and start some new chicks either from the breeds you did like or from other breeds you think you might like.
Glad you joined us at Backyard chickens. You may also like to check out the "breed reviews," where owners tell of their experience pro and con.

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