New Jersey

Yikes!!!!! You are really lucky. Sorry about your bird though. I lost 8 to a fox a few years ago. It will probably come back, better get a trap ready. You don't want to have to deal with that all season, not to mention the rabies risk. It is probably just starved from the really bad winter, but it isn't worth taking a chance. 

Oh and I just can't resist... "most of them had roasted" so funny given they are chickens :p . Gotta' love spell check. 

Haha hate spell check.
I hope this is ok to post - I have some chicks to sell, and more hatching soon, if anyone's looking. I'm near Hope in Warren County.
Currently - I have a handful of marans - one lavender and 4 black/lav split chicks. They are about a week and a half old. I hatched them out from shipped eggs - I can provide a link to the seller's page. I also have a pair of Rhodebars (sexed) from GFF stock. They're 2 days older than the Marans.

I'll also have another hatch in about a week and a half with Russian Orloffs, more Swedish Flower Hens, a few Rhodebars, and a few barnyard mixes (Orloff roo over an EE hen).
I hope this is ok to post - I have some chicks to sell, and more hatching soon, if anyone's looking. I'm near Hope in Warren County.
Currently - I have a handful of marans - one lavender and 4 black/lav split chicks. They are about a week and a half old. I hatched them out from shipped eggs - I can provide a link to the seller's page. I also have a pair of Rhodebars (sexed) from GFF stock. They're 2 days older than the Marans.

I'll also have another hatch in about a week and a half with Russian Orloffs, more Swedish Flower Hens, a few Rhodebars, and a few barnyard mixes (Orloff roo over an EE hen).
Welcome to the NJ thread. I am from Sparta, so not to far. Funny story...(to me at least)...I have family in Johnsonburg, and my cousin would explain where he lives by saying, "I live just after Hope, and right before Tranquility."

Anyways good luck selling those little fluff butts. How much are you asking for the Lavs and splits?
Brent, first off I want to say THANK YOU for doing your research before you get your birds! So many do not! I spent almost a year doing research before I got my first birds, and I was never once sorry I took the time to do it right.

Electricity is great for the automatic chicken door and for running fans in the summer, but not for heat. A well-built and ventilated coop does not need heat, and heat lamps are too dangerous. The heat in the summer, however, can kill the birds, so I have two fans running sometimes. That, and my favorite purchase, my Pullet-shut chicken door, makes having electricity very worth while. You'll also want to see if you can get a water supply fairly close, as well, for filling waterers and heavy coop cleaning.

Get the biggest coop you can afford - you'll fill it, even if you say you're happy with only "x" birds. It's a disease - you can't avoid it.

The number of eggs you get will depend on the breeds and ages of the birds you have. All chickens lay eggs, but serious egg layers will give you pretty much an egg a day, and will still lay well after their second year. Other breeds don't lay as well, but have other qualities. Eight eggs a day adds up pretty quickly - do you really eat that many now? Do some research about the many different breeds out there - get some for eye candy, too. You''ll be spending a lot of time with them, so get something you like to look at, even if they aren't egg machines.

Start keeping a list of questions, and bring the list to our poultry show in Augusta, NJ, on May 17th. You can get all of your questions answered there, and check out a lot of the breeds, and meet the breeders. Bring a pen! We usually have a coop supplier there, as well, so you can ask them questions, too. It's the only show in the state, and we won't have another one until October.

Hi Mame1616. Where can I find additional information on the May 17 show you're referring to. I'd love to attend :)
Hey all! I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the weather -- which is kinda icky today, but better than 40s and snow! HAH!

Have a couple of things from South Jersey to post today....

1. I am looking for 2 LF Cochin pullets/hens. I lost one to illness 2 days ago. My 2 splash boys are sad without her!! I have 2 blue pullets, but want a couple more. Just for companionship and eggs. :) Here are my boys....sad without their "Lemon" :

2. I have Calico/Mille Fleur Bantam Cochin hatching eggs for sale, $25/dozen. I know that shipping them can be a game ender for the eggs, so IF anyone is looking for these and doesn't want to risk the USPS trip, let me know -- I am happy to meet you. :) Here is my breeding quad :

3. Last, but not least, I have a 7 bantam cochins for sale -- they don't fit my breeding desires. 3 pair, and 1 extra rooster. I have a few inquiries on Craigslist for them, but I am a little leary of just selling them to "anyone!" These are loved birds and come from good genetics....they just don't have the genetics *I* am looking for. Know what I mean?? Anyway, they are 1st come, 1st serve as far as choices go. Pair $15, Rooster $5

4. Also, I have 2 adult Mille Fleur roosters for sale. $5 each

Thanks and sorry for taking up so much space!! HAHA!
PM me!!
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Welcome to the NJ thread. I am from Sparta, so not to far. Funny story...(to me at least)...I have family in Johnsonburg, and my cousin would explain where he lives by saying, "I live just after Hope, and right before Tranquility."

Anyways good luck selling those little fluff butts. How much are you asking for the Lavs and splits?
Thank you - I have been around for a couple of years but don't post a whole lot. I am right between Hope and Johnsonburg but the mailing address is Blairstown so it's confusing for those not familiar with the area :)

The lavs and splits would have to go as a group, I also have a handsome lavender cockerel that's about 4 months old. He's not pure marans but is either half or 3/4 marans. They might be a fun project for someone. I was hoping to work on them myself but am not going to have the space to dedicate to them. I was thinking $40 for the group of 5 and another $5 if anyone would like the older, unrelated cockerel to go with them.

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