New Member Intro


Jul 13, 2018
New Mexico
I have been keeping chickens since the summer of 2000 (roughly). My introduction to chicken keeping began quite by accident. The hubby and I were cleaning up the property in preparation to take pics for refinancing, and I kept hearing the cheeping of a little bird. I just went about my business assuming it was a wild baby excited by a parent returning with food. Near dusk, when we were wrapping up, I finally decided to go investigate. On the other side of the road from my five acres I found him...this cute little "egg with leggs!" I'm pretty sure that he escaped from a neighbor who raised fighting roosters. I named him Lucky since he had managed, in spite of all his peeping, to survive the whole day without being eaten. The next day I called my local feed store to ask if there was something wrong with him because he seemed to be growing a "tumor" on his neck. Imagine my embarrassment when I was informed that this "tumor" was his crop! He cried piteously every time I had to leave for work, so we went and got him some little friends and they lived in my front room until we finished building their new home.

I lost my Lucky bird about two years later to a bobcat attack. He gave his life trying to protect his harem. I also lost another hen and my Red bird suffered some damage to her head...she was blowing bubbles out of her eye and had a couple of deep cuts. I brought her in the house with little hope that she would survive, but she pulled through and became a part-time house chicken. I was holding her in my arms when she breathed her last several years later.

Over the next couple of years I added a few here and a few there. While I was working at a local bank I was befriended by a much older gentleman who began bringing me all the "leftovers" from the local feed stores. When all was said and done, we had forty chickens, two turkey hens and a tom. The last of my old ladies passed two years ago and Dude (the tom) had been adopted by an older couple in Colorado. I haven't thought about much else but getting a new flock started up since. Unfortunately the coop had fallen into disrepair and I wanted to make some improvements, so I had to wait. In the meantime, I had joined the fb group The Crazy House Chicken Lady and lived vicariously through their posts.

This July I finally ordered my babies from McMurray. I ordered two each; RIR, blue laced red wyandottes, ameraucana, light brahmas, egyptian fayoumis, silver laced polish, gold laced polish, and buff polish. I also ordered a silver spangled hamburg rooster, and they sent me a straight run buff polish rooster (mystery chick). I'm afraid I didn't do as much research as I should have and I'm a bit worried about how my fayoumis will fare during the winters out here in the NM highlands.

I initially found BYC on a google search and I have visited this site numerous times over the last few years, but didn't actually join until a few months ago. I am an avid gardener, I love to read, I enjoy domestic crafts such as sewing, crocheting, knitting, and cooking. I love to work outside on landscaping and various carpentry and home improvement projects. Of course many of these things are either impossible or take a lot longer now that I have been diagnosed, three years ago, with rheumatoid disease. My husband and I live here with two cats and my chickens. I moved my mother into her own mobile home several years ago when she became unable to work. Sorry for the novel!
I have been keeping chickens since the summer of 2000 (roughly). My introduction to chicken keeping began quite by accident. The hubby and I were cleaning up the property in preparation to take pics for refinancing, and I kept hearing the cheeping of a little bird. I just went about my business assuming it was a wild baby excited by a parent returning with food. Near dusk, when we were wrapping up, I finally decided to go investigate. On the other side of the road from my five acres I found him...this cute little "egg with leggs!" I'm pretty sure that he escaped from a neighbor who raised fighting roosters. I named him Lucky since he had managed, in spite of all his peeping, to survive the whole day without being eaten. The next day I called my local feed store to ask if there was something wrong with him because he seemed to be growing a "tumor" on his neck. Imagine my embarrassment when I was informed that this "tumor" was his crop! He cried piteously every time I had to leave for work, so we went and got him some little friends and they lived in my front room until we finished building their new home.

I lost my Lucky bird about two years later to a bobcat attack. He gave his life trying to protect his harem. I also lost another hen and my Red bird suffered some damage to her head...she was blowing bubbles out of her eye and had a couple of deep cuts. I brought her in the house with little hope that she would survive, but she pulled through and became a part-time house chicken. I was holding her in my arms when she breathed her last several years later.

Over the next couple of years I added a few here and a few there. While I was working at a local bank I was befriended by a much older gentleman who began bringing me all the "leftovers" from the local feed stores. When all was said and done, we had forty chickens, two turkey hens and a tom. The last of my old ladies passed two years ago and Dude (the tom) had been adopted by an older couple in Colorado. I haven't thought about much else but getting a new flock started up since. Unfortunately the coop had fallen into disrepair and I wanted to make some improvements, so I had to wait. In the meantime, I had joined the fb group The Crazy House Chicken Lady and lived vicariously through their posts.

This July I finally ordered my babies from McMurray. I ordered two each; RIR, blue laced red wyandottes, ameraucana, light brahmas, egyptian fayoumis, silver laced polish, gold laced polish, and buff polish. I also ordered a silver spangled hamburg rooster, and they sent me a straight run buff polish rooster (mystery chick). I'm afraid I didn't do as much research as I should have and I'm a bit worried about how my fayoumis will fare during the winters out here in the NM highlands.

I initially found BYC on a google search and I have visited this site numerous times over the last few years, but didn't actually join until a few months ago. I am an avid gardener, I love to read, I enjoy domestic crafts such as sewing, crocheting, knitting, and cooking. I love to work outside on landscaping and various carpentry and home improvement projects. Of course many of these things are either impossible or take a lot longer now that I have been diagnosed, three years ago, with rheumatoid disease. My husband and I live here with two cats and my chickens. I moved my mother into her own mobile home several years ago when she became unable to work. Sorry for the novel!
We are glad you finally join. If you have any questions just ask we would be glad to help. We have some very knowledgeable people on here.
:frowWelcome to BYC!
:hitso sorry for all the losses you had. Cant wait to see photos of your nee flock and coop rebuild!
Thanks for joining. You have come to the right place!

There are alot of amazing people that are willing to help with whatever they can, you can also go

Check out the Learning Center it has tons of great information and articles for just fun reads!

I have been keeping chickens since the summer of 2000 (roughly). My introduction to chicken keeping began quite by accident. The hubby and I were cleaning up the property in preparation to take pics for refinancing, and I kept hearing the cheeping of a little bird. I just went about my business assuming it was a wild baby excited by a parent returning with food. Near dusk, when we were wrapping up, I finally decided to go investigate. On the other side of the road from my five acres I found him...this cute little "egg with leggs!" I'm pretty sure that he escaped from a neighbor who raised fighting roosters. I named him Lucky since he had managed, in spite of all his peeping, to survive the whole day without being eaten. The next day I called my local feed store to ask if there was something wrong with him because he seemed to be growing a "tumor" on his neck. Imagine my embarrassment when I was informed that this "tumor" was his crop! He cried piteously every time I had to leave for work, so we went and got him some little friends and they lived in my front room until we finished building their new home.

I lost my Lucky bird about two years later to a bobcat attack. He gave his life trying to protect his harem. I also lost another hen and my Red bird suffered some damage to her head...she was blowing bubbles out of her eye and had a couple of deep cuts. I brought her in the house with little hope that she would survive, but she pulled through and became a part-time house chicken. I was holding her in my arms when she breathed her last several years later.

Over the next couple of years I added a few here and a few there. While I was working at a local bank I was befriended by a much older gentleman who began bringing me all the "leftovers" from the local feed stores. When all was said and done, we had forty chickens, two turkey hens and a tom. The last of my old ladies passed two years ago and Dude (the tom) had been adopted by an older couple in Colorado. I haven't thought about much else but getting a new flock started up since. Unfortunately the coop had fallen into disrepair and I wanted to make some improvements, so I had to wait. In the meantime, I had joined the fb group The Crazy House Chicken Lady and lived vicariously through their posts.

This July I finally ordered my babies from McMurray. I ordered two each; RIR, blue laced red wyandottes, ameraucana, light brahmas, egyptian fayoumis, silver laced polish, gold laced polish, and buff polish. I also ordered a silver spangled hamburg rooster, and they sent me a straight run buff polish rooster (mystery chick). I'm afraid I didn't do as much research as I should have and I'm a bit worried about how my fayoumis will fare during the winters out here in the NM highlands.

I initially found BYC on a google search and I have visited this site numerous times over the last few years, but didn't actually join until a few months ago. I am an avid gardener, I love to read, I enjoy domestic crafts such as sewing, crocheting, knitting, and cooking. I love to work outside on landscaping and various carpentry and home improvement projects. Of course many of these things are either impossible or take a lot longer now that I have been diagnosed, three years ago, with rheumatoid disease. My husband and I live here with two cats and my chickens. I moved my mother into her own mobile home several years ago when she became unable to work. Sorry for the novel!

What a great introduction Welcome to Backyard Chickens hope you enjoy the time as we do type in your hobbies many of have arthritis and other things but it does not stop us
Hi and welcome to our community.

This is a useful link of BYC guides to take a look at announcements-feedback-issues-guides.3 (there's a guide on how to include your location under your avatar - including your location is very helpful). You can use this link to contact members in your area - Find your State's thread.

Best wishes

Pork Pie
Wow, what a really nice introduction! So glad you decided to join us after all these years!! Sounds like you're already an expert and have so much to offer!
There's many others here who also love to garden and cook (like me) I just discovered a couple interesting threads myself. Don't forget to visit those forums as well:

Make yourself at home here and good luck with your new flock!!
Wow, what a really nice introduction! So glad you decided to join us after all these years!! Sounds like you're already an expert and have so much to offer!
View attachment 1557581There's many others here who also love to garden and cook (like me) I just discovered a couple interesting threads myself. Don't forget to visit those forums as well:

View attachment 1557582 Make yourself at home here and good luck with your new flock!!
Thanks! Hardly an expert, but try to keep learning. Hoping to do a better job this go-around though.

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