New Mexico

I've just read where the 9300 (digital) is even more unstable than the old 9200.

But I wouldn't know first hand, I use a Brinsea and love it.

Is that what that is out at Tractor Supply? I need to go out there anyway, so I'll look and see if they still have whatever it was.

Fortunately, my experience with the Genesis has been good. I did kill one with too much bleach solution on the electronics last year, but that's hardly the manufacturer's fault

I've always heard good things about the Brinseas.

This morning's chicks here:
Okay, found one on Craigs List the brand is Farm Inovators I think, The guy wants 150 bucks for it. Tractor Supply carries it at 130 bucks, has a fan, turner and hydrometer. Alrighty I thought. The guy wants 150 bucks for it????????????

Anyone know the name of the digital one please
If you aren't really far from Tractor Supply, go by and see if they still have it, and if it is digital? I thought (when I was in the store) that they had finally gone digital, but then couldn't find anything to back that up on their website. But again, their stuff between web and store doesn't always align well.

If it is a wafer switch still, don't waste your money, you will just get frustrated and quit hatching.

You can get a new Genesis 1588 on Amazon for less than $200, including shipping, and they ARE digital. Your hatch rate will be better if you use an automatic turner, which not only benefits the eggs but also increases air circulation around them, which is important at altitude. You can buy one new, or perhaps you can find a used one?

I also think the Brinsea disinfectant (about $20 for a concentrated small bottle on Amazon) is worth every penny. Unlike bleach and peroxide, it seems to have a residual effect. I use it half-strength (half the label diluted strength) on the eggs themselves before setting them, and at the label dilution rate on everything else. I keep some in a spray bottle and use it before touching the eggs in the incubator too, and I wipe the hatching rails even while incubating. Greatly reduced my rate of quitters.
28 days is a loooong time at hatching temps. I think of the "water" in the incubator tray as the primordial soup of bacterial death...
I am rather unexpectedly being overrun with peachicks. The ones in the incubator are actually hatching this year, and now the older BS hen just popped out three all on her own after sitting diligently for a month. I won't be able to keep them all, so if anyone is looking for peafowl, send me a PM
Hello all, Logan, NM here. We're just getting our flock started. It will be a pretty mixed bunch but we've always enjoyed a variety of colors in other flocks we've seen and decided to go that route. So far we have...

7 - Black Laced Gold Wyandotte pullets
2 - Blue Laced Red Wyandotte - cockerels
5 - Black Laced Silver Wyandotte - straight run
7 - Gold Sex Link pullets
6 - Black Sex Link pullets
4 - Easter Eggers straight run
4 - Welsummer straight run
3 - Silver Leghorn - straight run
4 - Buff Orpington - straight run
3 - Barnvelders - straight run
14 - Barred Rocks - straight run (8 known cockerels)
1 - Silver Pencil Rock - pullet

We're only going to keep 2-3 of the roos depending on how many hens we end up with. The rest will head to the freezer unless we are able to trade some for other breeds of hens - specifically Columbian Wyandottes, White Leghorn or Speckled Sussex. Those may have to wait until next year, my wife just might have my head if I buy any more soon lol

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