New Pets


Sep 6, 2019
Bennington, OK.
After many years away from the farm, my husband and I bought 4 Buttercup Orpingtons. Our reason for getting back to chickens is many fold. For one I wanted another pet. Secondly, we can use the eggs and thirdly, chickens are highly entertaining.
I also like to garden as energy will allow and am considering large pots or raised beds. I also make corn dollies and am a retired cook, My interests are as varied as there are breeds of chickens. :)
My husband still holds a job is a certified chef, is a terrific artist, a teacher and holds many degrees in Art and Communication. A very smart man who likes to spoil his wife (thus the chicks). Our last two pets, Jai Qi (a Pug) and Bella (a straggly guardian cat) died within three weeks of one another last year. We had said we would not have anymore pets but here we go with four new ones: Dumplin, Gertie, Cordie and Peck.
I was searching the web for information on chicks, etc. before making a purchse. I thought I had joined BYC but instead had joined another chicken group. Thankfully, I had bookmarked BYC and today I got registered. Lucky me!
I am looking forward to the exchanges that BYC offers, to a like-minded group of fellow chicken lovers and to making a host of new friends. :)
Hello and welcome to BYC. I hope that you enjoy your time here.

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Best wishes

Pork Pie
Ducksandchickens. Once I get a reliable camera (don't own a smart phone) I will gladly be posting pics of my and the girls accomplishments and growth. I have never been around Buff Orpingtons before. Buying them was a happy mistake as I understand they are great chickens. My guess of their age is two weeks or a little older. They have adjusted to their move very well and I hope they adjust as well and quickly as this crazy ole lady introduces other surprises to them. :)

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