New plan! (LOTS O PICS, adding them as I go)


13 Years
Nov 5, 2010
Spokane, WA
We were going to turn our current shed into a coop and build the run off of it. A few things went "wonky" when we actually got to measuring and talking this weekend.

First, where to build the run? The side that I can see from the house is farther from the fence, 10.5 feet, so the run would be 10.5'x10' (105 sqft). Only problem there is we don't have enough of the 2"x4" welded wire to cover both sides we would need to use to enclose it. We would need 94.5 feet of the 24"x100' Hardware Cloth we are purchasing, not too bad, but we want some leftover so we can make them a playpen for while they're still little!

The second spot we considered was to the right of the door, but I can't see that from the house and the neighbor that shares that fence has 2 small dogs that I'm pretty sure would cause an issue. But, Hardware cloth requirements for that side would be approximately 91'. This side isn't sqaure, so one side would be 8.75' and the other around 9.5'. That would give them +/- 66.5 sqft of run.

However, both sites would require that we also covered the tops to avoid predators (figured into the needed hardware clot totals). Neither of us has ever built a fence, so we talked and opted out of using the shed at all. Our new plan is to use our back deck as the roof of the run! We can enclose the entire thing easily, using the upright supports to screw the hardware cloth to and it is already a nice square, protected place for our hens!

The deck measures 12'x15' to the outer edges of the top rail, so I fiure it's maybe 11'x14' under it, the supports are very near the egde of the deck. For ease in figuring, and so we can end up with mor, not less materials, I'll figure for the 12'x15' size though. That gives the 3 chicks we're getting this spring a whopping 154 sqft to 180 sqft of run space! Not only does it give them more space to roam, but snow and rain very rarely get under the deck, so it is mostly protected from the weather!

The downside to not using the shed as a coop is that I now have to build a coop. Easily said and done (hopefully)! I hopped on CraigsList last nght, sent out 2 emails (still waiting for 1 to respond) and got an answer when we got home from dinner! I drove ~30 miles to Medical Lake/Cheney and picked up 9 fairly good pallets this morning! Totally free!!! I'm still hoping the other "guy" gets back to me since his are "pallet crates" and I could use one of those to ensure I build a "square" house for my hens and not one that looks like the leaning tower! If not though, I will email back the guy I got these pallets from and see if I can take a few more off his hands. Well worth the drive for me!

Now to find a set of plans I can adapt...I hate going in to something without a plan of attack! And that handsome fella is my SO, surprisingly smiley for a guy who just wants to go home and play computer games, don't ya think?
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And just a side note, those blue pallets weigh a ton! the 4"x4" spacers will make nice legs to get the whole coop off the ground a bit though.
Hello neighbor, if you go out to the industrial park in the valley there are lots of free pallets. Just drive around the park lots of times there's signs that say free. You can also find shipping crates out there. Good luck with your project!
There were great plans to build a pallet coop in the forums here. Within the last month, probably in this section. If I knew how to paste the link in here, I'd look for it for ya!

I was impressed with the design and ease of construciton and wish I had started like that myself. I'm using a shed like building that I constructed this fall out of all used material, but I don't really know how to build!! Your description of a leaning tower is sort of what it ended up as. Oh well, its secure from predators, but I really didn't consider the best design for them.

Getting ready to get my baby chicks this spring and need to build the run. Tho the buildings only cost me a few new 2 x 4' and deck screws, the run material is gonna be pricey.

It's hard to see with all that stinking wood still in the way, but that's where the chickens are going to live. I can stand under the deck supports on the left hand side and still have a few inches of clearance above my head (I'm 5'6"), and the area between the beams is tall enough that my SO can stand under them (he's 6'6").

We waited too long to call someone out to clean up the yard before winter, so our Maple (maybe it's an Oak) still has a mess all over the yard, but that will be dealt with before official construction begins. And I left the yard swing in such the wrong spot last year! The rear supports for it are sitting right where the water pools around the deck! It stays mostly dry under the deck, though right now everything is damp from all the snow melting! Believe it or not, a week ago, this whole area was under 2+ feet of snow! We've had another "odd" winter, we get several feet of snow in a storm, freeze for a week or two, then it all melts away. There is an elecrtical outlet behind the left side post (on the wall of the house) for all of the electrical needs in the coop (light for winter, maybe a fan if it gets supre hot in the summer).

That window is right where we're moving both of our offices to (a desk on that wall on either side of the window), the window on the right is our laundry room, it won't be in the coop, but the dryer vent that is just to the left of it will be (covered in a hardware cloth box to protect it and the chickens).

Some of those Sumac branches (the long skinny ones) will be staying to use as roosts around the run, everything else is for sale if I can ever get the ad to post (or to stay posted when it does show up)! And, the skinnier space between the front facing posts will be where I put a door!

I'm trying to get that pic to shrink, but photobucket is not agreeing with me today....
So my new favorite activity is going through the "cull bin" at Home Depot, tonight I made two major finds there! (And yes, we went out to dinner and I made my SO take me to HD afterward to dig through a wood pile.

First, this:


Enough partical board (maybe OSB?) to do about half of the coop I have planned out in my head! I used my "girl-ness" and got the 2 bigger pieces for $0.51 along with the 2 smaller pieces as well! I believe, though I'd have to measure and double check, that someone had them cut the sheet in half and then decided they needed it cut a different way! I got at least 1.5 sheets for my $2.04, maybe even closer to 2 full sheets!

My second find was 3, perfectly matching pieces of 1/2" think pressboard (I think that's what it is called) that are roughly 3-3.5' long and 12+" wide! I got those for $1.01 each and plan on building some very pretty shelving out of them once we get our (at least my) offices moved downstairs. No more cheap Wal-Mart bookshelves for me! I'm gonna have "grown-up" shelves that are attached to the wall and everything!

All in all, I'm am extremely happy with my $5.51 purchase...tommorow I have a Dr's appt at 10, but plan to hit Lowe's and Home Depot again to see what they have before and maybe again after.

Money spent on coop so far:

$2.04 - Pressure-treated 2x4's (4 at 4+' in length)

$2.04 - OSB (or whatever it is)

Free - 10 Pallets! (3 of the big blue kind...2 of which are going to be the bottom of the coop)
Oh did I get a deal this morning! almost 4' by 8-10' sheets of pressed board for $1.01! Will update better later, I need to run to a dr appt now!
Great deal on the osb and other materials. The space under the deck will work great for some chickens. I am sure we are going to have more foul weather this year it's not over yet. Looks like you will start constructing soon, I will be waiting for updates.
Yeah, they were saying on the radio earlier that it's supposed to snow here in a day or three. But, hopfully it won't last long, lol. I still need to get screws/nut/bolts/ I can't start just yet, but my goal/plan is to have the two pallets bolted together, sheeted, and the laminate installed on it before it leaves the garage. My SO hosts a weekly D&D thing every Sunday, so I'm gonna make those guys move it for me. The 2 pallets I have for my base are too heavy for me to move individually!

Looky what I came home with today.
I drove very slowly on the way home as I didn't have our tie-down in the truck today! I got the big sheets for $1.01 each! I love when they don't color code the culls in the bin... You can see my pallet pile in the left hand side of the garage too, 9 pallets sitting there and one more in my living room that is now in pieces.


I got them out of the truck and into the garage all by my lonesome! They got loaded into the truck by two guys...
You can kinda see the 2 pallets standing behind the sheets, those are stood up next to each other so that they are roughly 4' tall by 6' wide (the base of my coop on their side)! The new sheets are just under 4', but are 8-10' long (I'll need to get the tape measure out there)! The smaller pieces in the front cost me $0.51 each, I'm going to use those for window covers, pop door, etc...


And then... I went to Lowe's to see if they have the same good deals on culled wood. They don't (unless you get there on Thurs/Fri and happen to see the bin they put outside for 75% off once a week), but they did have mistinted paint! Not a huge selection, a couple of pretty banged up 5-gallon buckets of who knows what color, 1 gallon of interior paint in PINK, a bunch of odd colors in quart sizes, but those were all wood stains not paint, and 1 gallon of Commercial quality interior/exterior semi-gloss paint! Not only that, but it is darned near the same color as the green on our house, what luck! I happily paid the $5 asking price and even went as far as to buy one of the 1/2 pint sample cans ($1) in Sandy Beige to add a little color to the trim or maybe some sort of coop artwork!


Updated cost of materials list:

$2.04 - Pressure-treated 2x4's (4 at 4+' in length)
$2.04 - OSB (or whatever it is)
Free - 10 Pallets! (3 of the big blue kind...2 of which are going to be the bottom of the coop)
$4.40 - Pressed Boards sheets (3 huge full? pieces & 2 small pieces)
$6.52 - Paint @ Lowe's (MisTinted)

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