New plan! (LOTS O PICS, adding them as I go)

I'm planning on using a stackable, black plastic tote thing for nest boxes, well nest box...I'm pretty sure one will do me unless all three need to lay at the same moment, lol. I of course, can't find a picture of them on Home Depot's website (mostly because I can't think of what they're called!), but they're about 18" wide and just a little less deep, maybe 16" or so. They have nice high sides and are pretty cheap, around $7-8! I figure if I get stacking ones, I can add a level if they absolutely need 2...or next year when I get a few more (shh)! The front is bent so you can get things out of them easily too.

The right side will be an access door that I can get in to, I may put the pop door over there too, but for now, I want to keep it on the left. I'm going to have to go into the run anyway to let them out in the morning. While I can get around all of the sides, it'll be a tight fit once the hardware cloth goes up! I suppose I could just open the big door for them, lol. Then , I could just engage the barrel bolt into a hole in the hardware cloth and hook the eye hook in it too...hmm....
That might just work!

As far as the cold weather didn't really feel all that cold with the sun shining on me. Until, that is, I was a goofy girl and spent an extended amount of time without my work gloves on...I needed fine motor skills to get the bits on & off the dremel, lol. That is a fun little toy to have by the way...I may take up building small gift boxes/jewlery type boxes just so I can use that more often! I already have a plan to create a little sign for the coop using all the doo-dads that came with it, lol. I don't think I'll be outside on the days coming up when it isn't supposed to be above freezing though...I don't leave my house until the thermometer says it's over 32! Not even to go to the store, lol. We're supposed to warm up to the mid-40's on Sunday again...but it's also supposed to snow!
I'll be out there even if it is snowing...I'll be under cover, lol. I really want to get this done before the chicks arrive (in 21 days!) that way I can spend as much time as possible with them and not worrying about their home! The run will have to wait until nicer weather and a day I can ply my other half with something enticing for him to help with that too. Putting up unruley fencing materials is definitely a two person job!

I may not have the best tools on the block...but they serve their purpose! I spent this evening filling out job thing I want to do if/when I ever get a job, is save up for some really nice tools...but those will be for only me to play with, lol. We have several of the "cheap" long as they last through whatever project they were bought for...that's good enough! I used the hand saw to cut boards today (forgot the power cord & didn't feel like walking back around the house, lol), that was a bit harder to do...I don't have enough arm strength at the angle I was trying to cut at to go forward, so I stuck the saw in and pulled over and over again, lol.

I also stepped on a nail...but I am always very careful how I walk around building materials, so I knew I did it and didn't put any more weight down. It went into the sole of my shoe, but didn't make it into the interior or me! Nasty, rusty one too... Bad me for not picking up those little wood & nails pieces the other day!
Glad the nail didn't get you to bad. I burned my fingers yesterday burning leaves in the yard. I grabbed a stick to toss it back on top of the fire (it didn't look hot) and it got me pretty good. I'm surprised and releaved it didn't blister.

Ok... my brain is in over drive now.... If you put your pop door on the left... you could use the eye hook (attached to the top of the door) along with some rope or twine that is pulled up over the top of your coop to the back side of the coop, to slide open and closed the pop door on days when you can't or don't want to go into the run to open the door to let them in or out. I thought about that to, but instead we just used hinges and a window latch. Our pop door is right next to the run door, so we don't have to go all the way inside if we don't have time or just can't.

We are using milk crates for nest boxes until we can build some permanent ones. They seem to like them ok. Sometimes the eggs are inside of them and sometimes they are in front of them. They love the new run and roost, so I hope they like the new nest boxes also.

Ohhhh, I forgot to tell you. Since we got the run completed, we had to catch the chickens every night to put them in the coop and lock it up for the night. Well, for the last 2 nights, when I go out there to put them in for the night.... they are all inside waiting for me to lock it up. Whoo Hooo!!! I knew they would catch on!! The other day, I sat there and watched about half the flock go inside about 4:30. Then "Red" our RIR went in there and chased them all back out. About 5:00 they went back in and Red chased them out again. And so on and so on. Well about 6:00pm, I went to put them all in the coop and guess who was the first one inside?? Yep, it was RED!! I think she got the point after our little talk about chicken soup!! LOL
That "chicken soup" talk can do wonders can't it? I threatened my one coop of layers that if I didn't get more than 1 egg a day from 12 of them, I was going to have some delicious "chicken soup". The next day there were 6 eggs in the nest box.

Whysaywhat, yes the picture of the duck coop is on the tackiest coop contest. I have to go out today and fix the damage that the snow did to the fence and gate.
Oh how I wish we lived somewhere other than smack in the middle of the city! I'd love to have ducks, geese, turkeys...a ton of chickens, lol. Ever since I saw them in a catalog, I've been dreaming of owning a pair or ten of the Sebastol geese! They are soooooo pretty. I guess I have about 30 years to work my SO into moving out of town, lol. We're pretty much stuck here until the house is paid off, but if I go down the road about 6 blocks or so in one direction...I run into horse/cow farms!
Well, I made it back to Home Depot today. I scored just a couple of things and then I picked up some other things that wasn't in the cull bin. Can't get it all dirt cheap, but we do try! lol

I found 3 8ft pieces of 1x4 for 51cents each.
and then 4 4ft pieces of 1X4 for 51 cents each
1 more step making piece for 51cents
4 treated 2X4's 8ft long for $1.98 each
2 treated 4X4's 8ft long for $5.98 each

I thought I did good. My total was about $28 total. The treated 2X4's were on a clearance deal because most of them were messed up. They were kinda rounded like they were from the outer side of the tree they cut them from. The whole pallet was like that. I had to dig thru it to find 4 of the nicest ones. We need to build rabbit hutches for these 2 bunnies we have now. The large one, Thumper, is already outside and has been since we got him. But the new one we got last week, Midnight, is only about 8-10 weeks old and he's in the house.......... STINKING up the place. For a little guy.... peeeeuuuuu!!!

So when I got home, the hubby was less than happy to see that I had lumber with me. He thinks I'm getting ahead of myself. I don't know how... we need to build stuff ya know!! But anyway, I told him that this load was for the rabbit pens that I want built this week. I want that little stinker out of here. He has the day off on Friday, so hopefully it will get done then.

Our neighbor has just replaced the tin on his house due to hail damage a few months ago. The tin is in great condition... just dented a little. We asked for a few pieces to use to cover the chicken run and he told us we could have all we wanted for $5 per sheet. It's 20 foot long!! Sooooo..... I of course had a light bulb light up over my head. lol I told the hubby that the fence line that just I cleaned up would be a perfect spot for tin lean-too and he agreed. So we are going to buy up as much as we can!!
That's awesome! I didn't get anything done snowed a few inches! I doubt I'll get anything done tommorow either, as I have to be up at 3 am to take my other half to the airport in the morning! Then, I have to be back at the airport by 8 pm to pick him up again...he's going to a training class in Seattle for the day. Besides that, our high tommorow is supposed to be 19! Freakin cold front....
Just thought I'd share why no work is getting done here today... On the bright side our weather forecast got a blizzard!

First is the off of the back deck (above the coop), it didn't look to bad at 3:30 this morning when I took that...


Then, I went out front! This was after the shoveling was done...we got 8-12" over night! Oh how I hate winter....


Did I mention I had to drive in this crud? Thankfully, about the time I got off the freeway, the snow lightened up and I was able to see better. At least at that time of the day I could weave all over I-90 without worrying about other cars! And do 25-30 MPH on it, lol.
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Hope that doesn't make it over the mountains and across the plains - and across the Great Lakes - to me!

I am officially tired of winter.


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