New silkie acting strange

Hello everyone, so I got this silkie last night and she is very calm but I’m getting kinda scared that she may be too calm. All she’s done since we got her was sit here facing the coop like in the picture. I had to put her in the coop last night and get her out this morning. When I put her in she went to the corner and laid down and when I came out this morning she was still there in the exact position. I haven’t seen her eat or drink but she has food inside and outside of the coop. I just thinks it’s weird all she’s been doing is staring at the coop she’ll randomly look around and make a little noise but that’s it. I thought maybe the fur on her head was covering her eyes and trimmed it last night but nothing changed. Maybe she’s still trying to settle in? Or is there something more wrong with her?
Thinking maybe broody.

Move her from that spot, & see if she moves back to it?
If put some vitamins and electrolytes in her water and she has fresh water, but I haven’t seen her drink either. I will try the dropper. She is in her own little pin and coop but can still see the other chickens on one side. I haven’t noticed the other chickens have an interest In her but she also hasn’t gone to that side of the fence because she just stays in the one corner. She did have a long drive yesterday from Ohio to Indiana so I’m sure shes tired, but I figured she’d still move around more or i’d see her eat or drink.
Have you tried Scrambled eggs? They are pretty tempting for chickens.

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