New to Hatching.

Yes, it should still be lower !! You took all the water out right ??

Either 2 things, Your house has high hum and thats why your bator is high (hard to see at this time of year b/c everything is so dry)


your temp/hum gauge is off, is there a way you can pick another one up and use both of them to see if one is off ??
I have the exact same incubater. me and my sis bought it today. its been an hour or two since we turned it on it s finally at 100 F. all we did was barely change the increase and decrese.

we havent even put eggs in it but we will tonight.

so all i no is that YOUR chicks will hatch on christmas day!!
I have the exact same incubater. me and my sis bought it today. its been an hour or two since we turned it on it s finally at 100 F. all we did was barely change the increase and decrese.

we havent even put eggs in it but we will tonight.

so all i no is that YOUR chicks will hatch on christmas day!!
The Accurite ones at Walmart are pretty good. I've used those before. I find it a little hard to believe that a still air with no water in the reservoir is sitting at 55%. I think the gauge is probably off.
ok it is 638pm and the temp is 100 and hum is at 57 i check the water and there was a little not very much i don't know what esle to do to get the hum down the temp gauge is new but i am going to go to the feed store to see what they have tommrrow hopefully they will have something!
Yes sounds much better, just remember a little water can go a long way !! Glad it went down for yah !!
Yes sounds much better, just remember a little water can go a long way !! Glad it went down for yah !!

umm a little water for me doesnt go even a short starting to wonder if my hergometer is broke....but i have two thermometers in there and the thermometers both read the can the humidity part be "off" while the thermometer is correct? even tho it is the same unit? because i added a lot of water and cant get it out of the 30s

edited to say, in case ur confused..i have one thermometer and one hergometer/thermometer in there....if that makes all together 2 gauges in there, but the one tells me two things
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