New to showing


10 Years
Aug 25, 2009
Hey everyone so i have been keeping chickens for the last 8 years but that was for selling eggs. i'm getting out of that due to the lose of my chickens. so I am deciding to get into showing and breeding i was looking for suggestions of good breeds to start off with that will be easier on begginers for showing..
We my breeder pick is slim because In ontario canada it seems chickens are not as big of a thing like they are in the states. but i was originally thinking of a bantam bree. the bantam breeds i can get from local breeders are as followed.

- Bantam Cochins in Blue, black, Splash,and buff
- Bantam Rhoade Island Reds
- Bantam Buff and Light Brahma
- Bantam Dark Cornish
- Bantam Silver Spangled Hamburg
- Bantam Mayla in Wheaton and B.B.R ( What is B.B.R????)
- Bantam Wyandottes in Black, White, and partridge

I can get standard breed also but I know that there are a lot less bantam breeders in my area ad i also like bantams. so i really am not sure what would be best for me. I'm going to stay away from silkies because i know from what i have read they are very hard to show and get good qualities so any insite from anyone would be deeply appreciated

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