New To This Turkey Thing - Any Advice Would Be Helpful!


9 Years
Jan 2, 2011
Yukon, Oklahoma
We have 18 Turkey eggs in the bator - I have candled them (on day 7) - What should I see? I am assuming that they take longer to see growth than chicken eggs cuz of the longer incubation .
second - any advice on free ranging, what do I need for shelter? Coop like a chicken? I am doing as much research as I can, but seems I can't find much info - maybe I'm not looking in the right places. I have purchased Story's guide for Turkeys - any other books good?? I hate to buy a book and then get nothing from it - you guys are my BEST resource for chickens , so I am hoping the same for Turkey stuff
You're in Alaska? Yeah, you're going to need a nice house for those turkeys, not necessarily heated but something that will keep them warm, have plenty of room in case they are snowed in for a day or so and good solid perches to roost on.
At seven days you should be able to pick out the "red spider" of growth. It's going to be a small dot with a few thin radiating lines coming out of it. If you don't see it put them back in and look again in four or five days. If you don't see it then you probably don't have fertile eggs.
Welcome to the world of turkeys!!
Sorry, guess I need to fix that "where am I thing" forgot about Alaska - which is where most people will think of first. We are in Yukon , Oklahoma.
Thanks for the infor guys - I think this is gonna be fun! Saw where one of you have Peafowl - this may be my next venture. Can you let them free range and do you need a house for them too. ( I think my hubby is gonna kill me lol I may need to get a second job to pay for this
OH! LOL!!! Then you should look at some of Steve's set-ups. He's got some really nice shelters that aren't enclosed coops that would work well for you unless you absolutely have to lock your turkeys up at night due to predators which is what we have to do but we also have slightly more winter than you have.
Turkeys will not generally usa a coop like a chicken will. If they are in a pen then just get some kind of roof with a roost under it where you can put a feeder to keep the feed dry and a few, about 18X18 nesting boxes. Wait till about day 12 to 14 to candle turkeys or else you will think they are all duds!

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