New Year's Eve plans?

Well, today is new year's eve and we're probably just going to go see the fireworks out at Glenelg jetty after my mother get off work and all the formalities are done and dusted.
Well, tonight (new years eve the 31st ), I am going to sit at home with my cat
and watch the tv program on it, if there is one on the tellie.
As I am not dating anyone now, and am in the midst of a "year off" from dating, I will be doing a whole lot of nothing. Waking up without a headache, new years day. That'll be new
My first words won't be "Mooooaaannn" and "Shhhhhhhhhhh. Be more quiet."
Gah! You ended that sentence in TWO prepositions! I am calling the grammar police. Then I'm calling your English teachers, from every year of school.

I read some instructions, at work that ended one sentence in three. "Turn switch up to on." HUMBUG!
I'm planning on taking advantage of still being on west coast time and actually managing to stay awake until midnight!

And while I'm waiting, I'll be going through this last years journal and writing down life lessons that I didi't notice when they were happening.
I usually read through journals towards the end of the year too, to refresh my memory for the annual Achievements lists.
Give my dog a new home (
) Finish up the new Araucana pen, do normal daily feed/water/collect chicken eggs, and then whatever else comes my way.

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