New York mini chickenstock 2016

I plan to put the eggs in mid to end of next week so they'd be about a week old around chickenstock time. They'll be straight run and I'd be asking $3 each for them. I may or may not have extras to sell - don't count your ducklings before they hatch and all that :p But I can definitely let you know if you're interested.

I should know by the end of this month if I will need any. It depends on what hatches if anything. I have 10 growing, but severel of them had really loose air cells and they are super funny shaped now. Some look like they have to big an air sac, some to small.

Somehow one ended up pointy side up after the first week. I left it pointy side up for now. Should I flip it or keep it the wrong way?
I should know by the end of this month if I will need any. It depends on what hatches if anything. I have 10 growing, but severel of them had really loose air cells and they are super funny shaped now. Some look like they have to big an air sac, some to small.

Somehow one ended up pointy side up after the first week. I left it pointy side up for now. Should I flip it or keep it the wrong way?

I'd flip it. Keeping it upside down will cause the embryo to orient wrong and you could end up with a wrong end pip which could mean that the duckling can't zip or worse, hits a major vein when it pips and bleeds out. Flipping it now shouldn't cause it to die, but I'd start by putting in on its side for a day before turning it completely right side up just to be safe.
I'd flip it. Keeping it upside down will cause the embryo to orient wrong and you could end up with a wrong end pip which could mean that the duckling can't zip or worse, hits a major vein when it pips and bleeds out. Flipping it now shouldn't cause it to die, but I'd start by putting in on its side for a day before turning it completely right side up just to be safe.

Hi, there! I read that you said that you have no room to start seeds, but have you ever done this? Around April 15 is when I plant. Cheap and your only limit is outdoor sunny space. I wrote the article, so if you have questions, please ask! Doing a workshop this Saturday, too. Maybe it will help you out!


Hi, DIY Girl! So with this method, when the seedlings get large enough, you dig them out and transplant them?
Hi, DIY Girl! So with this method, when the seedlings get large enough, you dig them out and transplant them?
not DIY girl, but no I dont. I cut the bottom of the jug off and use each one to cover the seed in the ground then just pull the jug off come time. Oh but I also start all my seeds in a dish on a paper towel with water. Once sprouting I then plant.
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Ok. I was going to do the cut off bottom method, so that the chickens won't scratch them all up (hopefully). But this is a neat idea to start your seeds all in one small area so you don't have to go schlepping all over to see if your seeds have sprouted. But I'm assuming that some tap rooted plants won't take too kindly to transplanting.
The only thing I'm not doing that way is the taters and such. Well I'm trying to do 2 of each, I'll let a know if it works. I ave to observe space in my house so that's what started the sprout tray method. Once they go outside I have lots of space and lots of milk and juice jugs.
Hi! Never touch a seedling by its stem. Use a fork to loosen the roots and gently hold one of the leaves to move the seedling. Can't wait to see! I put my milk jug greenhouses together on tax day and transplant Memorial Day. You will have to open the lid on warmer days once seedlings emerge. Just lift the tape and reaffix it in the evening when you close them back up.
not beautiful but that is my upside-down tomato planter. I filled a hanging basket with garden mix. Put a bucket lid on and inverted. Cut a hole in the bottom. And put a seedling in the hole. Covered the seedling with a guacamole dish. Once it's good and established I will invert and hang removing the lid.
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