New York mini chickenstock 2016

Ahh, yes, you have a point. We'll see how many pullets I actually have, it's looking like a 50/50 split. I have Rhodebar, Welsummer, and Dominique covered by Cream Legbar roo, with the possiblity of Rhodebar roo (especially in the Dominique). So I'm hoping for some greenish and olive egg layers. I'd love some pretty Swedish Flower Hens and I believe I saw that someone is bringing them?
if no one brings them I can go pick some up from another BYC member incase she can't make it.
Yay!  I should be able to make it!  

I'll be bringing B/B/S, chocolate, chocolate cuckoo, and cuckoo orpington chicks (maybe a few started birds), and hatching eggs.  I can also bring speckled sussex (if my rooster gets his "stuff" in order), easter eggers, and barn yard mixes.

I might have a few 1 year old orpington hens... need to go through the coops and see what I have.
what color are your orpington hens?
I've only written this 2x now & keep touching a button & loosing it all!
Coming to chickenstock with hatching eggs, chicks of Catskill Homesteader Chickens (locally adapted, winter hardy dual-purpose "eye candy" chickens laying various shades of brown & green eggs, excellent foragers, etc)
And Swedish Flower Hens

May have some chicks a few weeks old, if anyone interested ahead of time, let me know so I bring enough.
There's been a lot of local interest & will be going to a swap/sale in Cooperstown 2nd Sat in May, so just tryng to figure out if there's any older chicks you want me to keep back for any of you.

If enough hatch in time, turkey poults
Muscovy ducks laying, and I think at least one is sitting now, but not sure if will hatch in time.

For raffle, will bring hatching eggs. Will bring some kind of food for the meal, not sure what yet.
My husband is a corrections officer. Unfortunately, he has to work that day so I won't be able to attend. Both my girls are special needs. It would be too long of a drive and day to do this by myself. I'm so sad.
My husband is a corrections officer. Unfortunately, he has to work that day so I won't be able to attend. Both my girls are special needs. It would be too long of a drive and day to do this by myself. I'm so sad.
I know all about special needs. I have 2 of my own. If you van make the drive you will have support for the girls. My property is special needs friendly and my daughter is awesome help with everything. If you want to pm me any requirements your girls need to see if we can meet them that's ok. I know all about having to miss things because of the kids. Its no fun and if we can accommodate to make it where you can come I will. I have missed to much because of disability, this event is at my house because I can adapt to my (and yours or anyone elses) special needs kids here without putting others out. So in short , special needs kids are more than welcome! !! Bring it on, mom's needs fun too.
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Okay, I updated the list with what people just posted but I'm probably missing stuff. If you're not on there and want to be, either post here or you can pm me directly :)
I don't have a lot of varying breeds and certainly nothing fancy but I will have eggs and chicks that are about 18 days old . So I'm not to worried about putting my stuff on the list as I will have a lot of both and no travel so yall can just pick out what you want .

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