New York mini chickenstock 2016

WHOOT ! Crossing fingers for a Sham-WOW ! ha ha ha ha But any of them will be a fun addition to the flock.

OK - will do ! I hope it hatches out - I am not a great hatcher ....but no broodies yet - so since I found some started eggs in my car when I got home (left over from farmers market, was rushing and forgot to unload their box) - I am popping them all the borrowed incubator and doing one last hatch session ....

Did you see that Pyxis? YOU are enabling me too .... I can't see those started eggs not get a chance .....
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I must say that duckling was extremely popular yesterday!
My older son wanted it. He also wanted the baby bunny. I told him they will grow up and won't be so cute anymore. I know it won't be him taking care of them at home. We have five rabbits, and the only thing he does with them is rub their ears when he passes by
I can over night you a bunny. I got stuck keeping all 4.
Whew - day of traveling after the big day - home safe and sound with all birds and plants ...

What a great day that was - thanks for hosting !    Nice set up for this group.

Since I only got one bird ... I am now wishing I got more BOTH plants and chickens    :)     But I have more than I need ...   and not enough time to do things like I want ....

[COLOR=800080]Hi - my name is Metella and I am a farm-a-holic .....[/COLOR]
Hi Metella I'm Chicken-girl and I'm a farm-a-holic as well.
got those little cuties from you ? what are they ?
You took home a couple gold spangled Spitzhaubens. Hope they're both ok. I felt like a bad chick mom that I didn't have a way to cool them down. Im sure they were more comfortable than anyone ..LOL

they are good ...they seem to have no problem with the grass bedding .
Cute as Buttons ...Im thinking of calling them cutie & patootie
Do you have any pictures of Adults so I can look for roo development or lack of ...LOL
How old are they ? I dont have a lamp on them ..just room temp -75- air .
They are in the bottom of a net covered kitty litter pan night I microwave a towel warm & put on the pillow case that is covering them up for beddy bye
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WHOOT !     Crossing fingers for a Sham-WOW !   ha ha  ha ha       But any of them will be a fun addition to the flock.

OK - will do !   I hope it hatches out - I am not a great hatcher ....but no broodies yet - so since I found some started eggs in my car when I got home (left over from farmers market, was rushing and forgot to unload their box)  - I am popping them all the borrowed incubator and doing one last hatch session ....

Did you see that Pyxis?   YOU are enabling me too .... I can't see those started eggs not get a chance .....

LOL! Don't blame me, you're the one that asked to borrow to borrow the incubator :p Happy hatching :gig
@Chicken girl 15 do you know how old my little bunny is? She's settled in well here now and doing good, and I'm curious of her age :)
LOL ! I know - I should never have done that !!!!

So what ALL types of eggs are you setting - the lav silkies - but I am sure you got more and I didn't get a chance to really touch base you after the raffle part of the day.

I will check my eggs again in 3-4 days - and if they aren't moving - I can give the incubator back - but they WERE moving this morning I could barely see the veins and such - so I wanted to give them a chance.
LOL !   I know - I should never have done that !!!!   

So what ALL types of eggs are you setting - the lav silkies - but I am sure you got more and I didn't get a chance to really touch base you after the raffle part of the day.   

I will check my eggs again in 3-4 days - and if they aren't moving - I can give the incubator back - but they WERE moving this morning I could barely see the veins and such - so I wanted to give them a chance.   

From chickenstock I set 6 lavender silkie eggs, 12 AC eggs, and 4 turkey eggs. Also gave 12 magpie duck eggs to Lacie. Also in my incubator are guinea eggs, EE eggs, and peafowl eggs.

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