Newbie with problems already!!


Mar 28, 2019
DeWinton, Alberta
My Coop
My Coop
I've been a chicken owner for all of 4 days and I suspect I've already got a problem. My 4 girls, a barred rock, ameraucana, russian orloff and a mix (rock/orpington) are roughly 11 weeks old. Second day in I had a seriously bloody poop - nice start! Uggh.

I managed to get someone local to give some advice and sell me some Amprol since I don't even know where to find such things yet and here in Canada we can't just pick up some Corid at our local stores. All are being treated and I'm hoping that was the right move.

I suspect that it is the little cross that is not feeling well, though I haven't actually seen her pooping to confirm that and I have not seen another bloody stool, but she is less active and much more timid than the others. She also has a paler face and comb, though having zero experience and having only had them for 4 days I have nothing to compare to except the other birds. She is also a little 'puffed up' looking, though again I don't know if that is her breed and is normal or not.

So, I'm treating all of them with Amprol but is there anything else I can be doing to help her to perk up? Support her gut health? Electrolytes? What else can I/should I be doing?

Thank you, oh wise chicken peeple :)
Is she eating and drinking? Make sure everyone is actually getting the medication as directed!
Tonight, in the dark, with a flashlight, look everyone over for lice or mites, and plan to spray or dust them tomorrow if any are found. Here permethrin works well. Pyrethrin is another choice, or spinosad, or carbaryl if it's legal for chickens in Canada.
Having more parasites isn't better, so do check for them.
She's puffing her feathers because she doesn't feel well, so also make sure she isn't being picked on by the other birds. If in doubt, have two water and food stations, even though you have such a small group.
All the best,
Vet RX, diatematious earth, and other treatments can help. Most probably she has worms, so these supplements can help. Separate her from the others and add vinegar to her water. Give her medicated feed and a syrup made of apple cider vinegar, sugar, lemon, and water to help her.
Wow! For just four days on the job, you sure seem to be a natural at this chicken biz! Keep on observing behavior and appearance and build on it since that's the first line in keeping chickens healthy.

You've done all the right things so far. Next is to monitor the crop of the one that seems to be dragging behind. In the morning examine her crop again. Crops need to be perfectly empty first thing in the morning before the chickens eat or drink. A full crop in the morning, sailor take warning.
I'd leave out anything else added to her water! She needs the medication, and to be drinking well. DE is bad to inhale for her and all of us, and isn't helpful anyway. Leave her with her flockmates if she's managing with them, separation will only add more stress, unless they are hurting her.
Having your veterinarian run a fecal will ID any other intestinal parasites that might be present, always a good idea.
If it's actually coccidiosis, you are on the right track!
Is she eating and drinking? Make sure everyone is actually getting the medication as directed!
Tonight, in the dark, with a flashlight, look everyone over for lice or mites, and plan to spray or dust them tomorrow if any are found. Here permethrin works well. Pyrethrin is another choice, or spinosad, or carbaryl if it's legal for chickens in Canada.
Having more parasites isn't better, so do check for them.
She's puffing her feathers because she doesn't feel well, so also make sure she isn't being picked on by the other birds. If in doubt, have two water and food stations, even though you have such a small group.
All the best,
Yes, she is eating and drinking and all 3 water sources have the meds in them. She is definitely bottom of the deck but I'm not seeing a lot of serious picking on her, just the occasional chase after her but everybody seems to be doing that at some point to everybody else... She is quietly in and amongst the others. Do you know of any videos or resources explaining dusting or spraying them?
Yes, she is eating and drinking and all 3 water sources have the meds in them. She is definitely bottom of the deck but I'm not seeing a lot of serious picking on her, just the occasional chase after her but everybody seems to be doing that at some point to everybody else... She is quietly in and amongst the others. Do you know of any videos or resources explaining dusting or spraying them?
I don't know of any videos, but I'm sure a quick search of youtube will produce one. What I have heard is to spray under their wings, the back of the head and the vent area.

I know there are several on here who say diatomaceous earth (FG) doesn't work, but I've been using it for 4 years in my coops regularly, like all the time, and I have never had a mite problem. When I looked it up, here is what I found:
You might have to copy and paste the address into your browser. I have all the sprays on hand, but have not had to use them.
Never having a mite infestation is wonderful, and not evidence that DE is working! I don't use it and have had many years between problems, but then the rotten little bugs turn up.
:lauYou are too funny. What do you have against FGDE? :oops: I have used it for years around my house for fleas. It works really well for me. Once I went on vacation and left a neighbor in charge of my cat. When I got home my carpet was infested with fleas. I did spray for them directly, but then didn't have to spray for the eggs later because the DE worked.

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