

May 28, 2016
Hi all. After two failed attempts at incubating our own eggs and the badger having the three chickens which we had away we thought we'd have a third go using a different incubator. Well today is day 19 and I've seen 9 of the 14 eggs wobbling around and think two have started piping. I'm so excited I can't stop watching them. When/if the chicks hatch do I leave them in the incubator until the whole hatch has finished?? I've read on here they can stay in there for a while to dry out. Any tips appreciated!
I have no experience hatching, but found this post and wanted to send you a Welcome!

glad you have joined us.

So sorry about your past losses and wish you success with the current attempt.

Hopefully someone with hatching experience will show up with an answer.

Please consider posting an intro under the New Members forum to get a proper welcoming.
Thank you! :) we had four hatch today and looks like a few others on the way :)
I take the chicks out shortly after they hatch and put them under a light to dry off. Allot of people say leave them. I want them out so I can hold them. Good luck on your hatch
Thank you all. We now have 9 little babies out of the incubator, doing very well and very cuddly!! One of the eggs that was moving around loads on day 19 stopped moving and hasn't started piping so I'm wondering if the chick has died? And I have another 4 which I will leave in the incubator for a few more days as only day 21 today
Congrats on your hatch. I usually leave unhatched eggs for a couple of days. Go to day 23 them put egg up to your ear of it's alive you will hear it no noise of goes incubator eggs go in the garbage
I hope you had a good hatch just now seeing this thread. My first year hatching as well i leave them in, as I dont want the hunidity to drop i lost 11 eggs on my first hatch to low humidity from opening the bator.
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