Newly hatched chick with wounds an bulging eye

Glad they are doing better. :) Also, newly hatched chicks get nutrients from the yoke for about 3 days after they hatch. So they should be fine even if they are not eating for the first few days. Hope that helps a little bit!
Ah okay. Well it was all I had. I used very little. Hubby is picking up some without it. He perks right up when he hears me come into the room, he has drank 6 ml of water! Tonight egg yolk. What do I do for mash?
Kampe, I know how you feel not giving up right away and giving her a chance.
I think that hens brooding do better separated from the rest. Being nervous could lead to strange behavior.

Mush is chick feed mixed with warm water to a consistency you feel can work with your chick. It's also good for adding things like vitamins, or the egg white with all the protein.

You can mix in egg yolk or anything. Make it the way you want it. As long as she eats something.
She has eaten about 3ml of egg yolk, tomorrow I will introduce mush for dinner tomorrow and she has also drank good amount of water. Its up an walking a bit but still sleeps a lot. Wounds look to be healing, not as red or bloody. Its eye is ify but it has one good eye!
Well today is a better day for her. She escaped her box and was chirping on the floor. We switched her to a bigger box with higher sides, fed her breakfast and gave her water. She had a midnight feeding aswell. It seems to get very mouthy when it hears our roosters. So good signs?
I have a broody Auracauna who sits nearly all the time and a polish who sits sometimes. I've seen egg stop from her mouth and I found ( really lost hope we'd get any chicks) a baby chick with 4 wounds like this. She didn't make it. A second one found refuge under the full time broody and is now about 2 weeks and healthy- in a space by themselves. A third was in the midst of hatching- I could see the eye tooth. I went to check in the other new chicks at that time and here come the chickens running toward me with what looked like a mouse. I caught the hen who had it and they had really beat her up. She was gone already and I'm sure they were going to eat her. I read that they just don't know that those little ones aren't food :(. I've lost 2 or three more eggs or chicks in the last week and though I've kicked the polish out if the nest, she keeps coming back. Uggh!

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