Newspaper writer//Rooster story


In the Brooder
9 Years
Mar 15, 2010
Hi, all. I write for a national publication and am working on a story about chickendom, and the dilemma many of us face once we determine the gender of our fuzzy little friends: What to do with the boys.
It's certainly something I'm facing in my first foray into this world. (I've been coddling and mothering a little chick with an eye infection--cured him!--now realized he's a boy and that I won't be able to keep him. ) I'd love to hear your stories--
Has this been difficult for you, too? What have you tried? What issues have come up?
Feel free to email here, or to me directly at [email protected]
Hope to hear from you soon.
And: I'm very grateful for this Web site, I continue to learn so much from so many of you.
All the best--
Anne Marie
"IF" I happen to get a packing peanut in my pullet order..well.....I guess I would keep him.

If I got a straight run with lots of "boys", I would try to trade or re-home them. I am not the type that can cull a chick because of gender.

BYC has attracted the very very BIG guns!!! I'm so impressed—especially when I learned that your head shots were all HAND dotted.

Sorry ... just overwhelmed ... your paper was required reading at my last job—every day.
When I got more roos than I ordered - ordered two, got five - I advertised heavily, posters at the post office, local library branch etc. Told everyone I came in contact with that I had some cockerels to give away; even the cashiers at the store.
I didn't try to sell them. Cockerels are a dime a dozen around here and no one would actually give money for one unless he was a high quality show bird.
I strongly believe in a don't ask, don't tell policy. If someone wanted to eat them, then I'd rather put my head in the sand and not think about it.
As it turned out all three males went to a pet home, to rule over 80 hens.
With my coming order I specified pullets only, but know there's still a chance I'll get cockerels. Sexing is only 90% accurate.
I had to take a chance with the two silkies I ordered, since they can't be sexed at the hatchery. If I end up with two males I may try to keep them, if possible. My 13 lb. roo wouldn't be too happy about their presence. If it turns into too much of a hassle, then I'd utilize the same advertising routes to find them a home or stew pot, though I can't imagine someone wanting to eat silkies (dark meat
I didn't want ANY roosters. The feed store said I could bring back any "pullets" that turned into roosters. I planned on doing that. It turned out I did have an accidental roo, but.... I liked him.

I asked my landlady - who had so amazingly said I could keep chickens! - if it would be a problem if one of the chicks turned out to be a rooster. She said, "Oh, you'll have fertilized eggs, then, which are so much better for you. The perfect food. And maybe, chicks, if you aren't diligent about gathering eggs." She had a big smile on her face.

So, Carly became known as Carl, and he's handsome and gentlemanly, and I so love keeping him.

But now I've also ventured into the "straight run" situation with four Sebrights. They're bantams; there is no "large fowl" Sebright. I don't want any more roosters, but maybe one... because I have three other bantam breed chicks, too. I'm hoping like heck I don't end up with two, three, or four Sebright roosters. I know I'm not going to want to get rid of any of them, but I may have to... and I'm not sure there will be anybody who wants midget roosters!
Mine go to freezer camp. It's not my favorite part of chicken keeping, but when I tried to keep all of them the hens were over-bred and torn up. After watching six roos try to jump on the same poor hen (pecking and pulling feathers off of the hen, not each other) I realized that I could no longer put it off. While I understand that some people are not able to butcher their extra roos I feel good about the life they had here and that they were dispatched quickly and humanely.
If you want to get rid of them and don't live in a city that doesn't allow roosters or neighbors who absolutely, positively HATE roosters then just keep them. If you live in a city that doesn't allow roosters or neighbors who absolutely, positively HATE roosters then sell them as chicks but don't say they're roosters. And if everythings fine and you live in a nice town then don't kill or sell all or all but one of the roosters when they grow up.
No, that is wrong. You shouldn't pass your problem onto someone else like that. My first purchase of "straight run" chicks from a private breeder was exactly like that, and it was not right.

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