Newtown, Conn School Shooting

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Horrible incident. I do not understand what is wrong with people. Maybe there is something in our food or the medicines we take that cause this.
Well, yes, I can understand that, but what made him decided to do this... That's what we will never know unless there is a note, or something... My kids are home, so I haven't been able to really look at more...
In my opinion the biggest problem exposed by this tragedy isn't guns or gun control, security in the schools or lack's the attention to/care of people with mental illness which is pitifully inadequate in this country. Too many people need help and can't get it...too many people are left to wander at will and nothing done about them until they do something to hurt themselves or someone else. I don't know what the solution is but it sickens me to think that the shooter got enough attention for the "experts" to learn that he had autism or Aspbergers or OCD or whatever, but nobody could figure out that he was a tragedy waiting to happen.

And with all respect to Mr. Winters, I hope you're wrong about that "man in the sky" because somebody is going to have to heal those parents' hearts, and I don't think anyone on earth is up to the task.
I grieve for all of the families, and I grieve for these lives senselessly lost. Dianne Sawyer just interviewed one of the teachers who immediately locked herself and her students in their classroom upon hearing the gunfire. Heart wrenching!
My heart goes out to those who were caught up in this awful event.

The deaths of Innocent young children is only part of the tragedy. Those who survived and the people who attended the scene will probably suffer in some way from this experience for the rest of their lives. And, of course, the families of those who died and were injured will suffer a very deep and lasting pain.
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