Newtown, Conn School Shooting

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We, not the public, but any experts heavily involved in he case, actually probably will have a pretty darn good idea after gathering information. A disorder may very well be reliably identified, and may already have been diagnosed in the past as has been the case before. An extremely frustrating and heart breaking pattern to watch time and time again.
Well, yes, I can understand that, but what made him decided to do this... That's what we will never know unless there is a note, or something... My kids are home, so I haven't been able to really look at more...

something I heard earlier this evening "we will never understand why someone would do these things because we don't think like that and we never will" I think that sums it up completely. There is no explanation that would ever justify what was done today.
Today's news of the shooting made me cry. It's horrible to think that someone would walk into a school and just start killing these innocent little children. As a mom, my heart broke for those waiting for their children to come out of the school and never did. Rest in peace little ones. I hope that the survivors can get past this horrible event in their lives. They are in my thoughts and prayers.
ya some of these people are psychopaths to begin with but other like the one that shot up the mall in Oregon just needed a friend. that one was Orphaned at like 7 raised by a aunt and uncle that didn't care about him as much as his parent didn't. ran away at 14 got a job and got him self all through high school with out any ones help that's pretty good for someone with no one to fallback on he just couldn't take the stress of it.

Problem is if somes suicidal they take your guns away, not your knives or rope in the garage or bleach or what ever else that is just as deadly in their home.

they said this other kid had OCD. hmm why all the 18 - 26 year olds with mental disorders maybe its the your kid has ADHD or ADD scare of the early 1990's where every boy was feed Ritalin to make them passive that happens to cause bipolar disorder and other mental illnesses.
I live like 40 mins from Newtown and idk why people kill other people... Just kill yourself, don't take others with you. I think it's just people want attention.
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It sticks out to me that after killing his mother, he went to where she worked to do this. I strongly believe that he did have mental issues and his mother's work somehow exacerbated his problems. We'll find out more in the next several days for sure.

For now though, my thoughts are with the parents. Right now they are still waiting for the identification process to be completed so that that arrangements can be made. And then they get to go back to their home to a Christmas tree which probably has presents under it for a child hat will never be coming home again. We all often complain and moan about the bumps in the road that we face, but tonight we should realize hat our lot in life isn't as bad as it could be. Just keep them in your thoughts.
I don't have TV and my computer has been down all day. (I seldom go anywhere online except BYC and to check my mail anyway) Emily just came home from work a little while ago and told me about the shooting then looked it up online so I could see what had happened.

I'm sick. I just want to cry. I hurt so bad for the Mommies and Daddies that sent thier child to school this morning. A kiss, a hug, an "I'll see you this evening honey".... and now they will never see them again. The brothers and sisters, the grandparents, the best friends. The horror is so much worse when it's a child that loses thier life.

I have no words. I have no answers. But I will hold my children tight tonight and make an effort to let them know just how much I love them and how much they mean to me.

And yes, I'll pray.
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