Newtown, Conn School Shooting

Not open for further replies. previously posted your support for these semi automatic assault type weapons making a comparison to the two other types of pistols the killer carried. I know that you are young and maybe in your world you feel that you can view every man, woman and child having an assault rifle and that it is some kind of normal and OK. In my world, it is not what I want and I hope that my viewpoint eventually prevails. It is not an argument to say that some kind of assault weapon ban would not have prevented an act like that done in Newtown. To me, it just is plain common sense and I hope that your next argument is not that it is OK if everyone owned a fully armed F-16.

The picture was posted in another thread called "Political Ramblings"
A freind of mine spent a couple weeks in Mexico on a beach, they had arme guards on the beach at each end of the rows of hotels. Don you have been in a few courthouses how many armed people have you seen there? Try going into our government buildings, see if they will allow you to take a weapon in. Is there anything in these places more valuable than our children? which are our future BTW. I don't want to see armed guards in gradeschools either but I am realistic enough to know it is the most realistic solution. Countries like the former USSR where gun ownership was not allowed except maybe a single shot shotgun they had armed guards everywhere and had relatively few guns in the hands of the public. Why do we think we are any different? are we a better class of people because we are better educated? less likely to kill? I would like to beleive we are but obviously we are not under the worst circumstances.

Our form of government is a relatively new concept about 236 years old actually and has unique problems that are unique in fixing (which is why those from the UK fail to understand) and still maintain those freedoms that so many have fought and died for. My hope is that some realisted answers will prevail from this.

Don, that is too close to home and I am glad your loved ones are OK.
Capvin, I offer my compassion to you, your son and family for the terror you must have experienced as part of the Newtown community on Friday. Thank God your own granddaughter is safe. I wish everyone's grandchild could have been safe, too. The loss is too big to comprehend.

I believe all this talk of gun control overlooks what I feel is a larger issue, the culture of violence in this country which only seems to get worse with each generation. All across the country, people are mourning the loss of life in Newtown, especially the children. Yet I believe that for every child who is "treasured," there is a child who is merely tolerated, or worse, abused. Children who grow up feeling unwanted, unimportant and powerless have no choice but to look elsewhere for solace, and where better than a video game where he/she is in control and can wipe out anyone who stands in their way? Violence sells for a reason, and as long as it turns a profit, we'll only see more of it. You certainly don't see shows like Andy Griffith anymore, but the values and culture of those days are what's missing in today's world...and today's children, from which the next generation of killers will come.
How would we pay for security guards in schools? The budgets are already stretched thin and schools are shutting down. I have a sneaking suspicion you are against raising taxes.
I continue to read some of these postings and my main overriding feeling, is disgust. My son, daughter-in-law and my two young grandchildren (5 and 3) live in Newtown, CT. My little grand daughter goes to the elementary school and two of the dead children were at her last birthday party and one of the dead children's family is a member at their temple. Thankfully, my grand daughter is safe, but I ask do you explain this to a five year old? There is talk about media blame but just before this shooting one of you posters proudly put up a picture of a semi automatic weapon mounted on a truck. This is a similar weapon that was used to kill these children. Maybe the shooter saw other pictures like that and said..."Wow, that is neat." I said it was obscene and I was criticized for my statements. I asked, What was the possible motive for posting that type of picture? and received no response. I complained about the NRA in that it was not doing what it was originally organized to do. I say again to the NRA and it's supporters, "We do not need another political party whose only function is to encourage people to post obscene pictures. And, Ed, I know that you mean well, but do you really want little children attending schools that have become armed camps? I do not think that is the answer and I do not think that a knee jerk "gun control" action is the answer either. But I do think it is time we begin to use some common sense in understanding that some kinds of reasonable and responsible gun use and control is not a violation of our second amendment rights.

What I find even more disgusting is people like Huckabee that, notwithstanding his efforts to backtrack on his statements, said that he was not surprised by this act of violence in our schools because we took God out of our schools, etc. That is the real obscenity and my feeling is that if there is a God then Huckabee should die a violent death and those innocent children will remain unharmed. I would remind him that the promise of heaven is not worth the price of even one of those tortured child's tears. His statements are one of the best argument for atheism that I have ever heard. Just to look at him know would make me puke, but he wants to run again for president of this country.

Sorry that you and your family have gone through this. And sorry about some of the responses.

Peace and love to you and yours.
I actually think that a tax would be a small price to pay for security. Maybe eliminate some of the endless funding spent on the environment and start caring for people, paying for security would be the easy part getting the program through congress would be the hard part. If I were a teacher I would demand a safe working environment which is actually already a law.
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