Nipple waters vs. Regular waters

Pampered chicken girl

I can't control their fear, only my own
Premium Feather Member
Apr 10, 2022
I am going to raise more baby chicks in a month or two and am wondering about watering system. I used a regular waterer last time and I had to get the shavings out like 5 times a day, also the shavings soaked up the water so 1. They would have no water in the well and 2. It emptied it everyday so I had to constantly fill it up. Needless to say I am considering using a nipple waterer this time but have a few questions like how do the chicks know to use it and what are your experiences using one? 🤔
Well thanks and happy chicking
I have not used nipple waterers. But I do use the small gray square pavers to put the waterer up on. One usualy keeps it level with the pine shavings and two puts it almost perfect height for them. The reason the waterer should be at shoulder height is this exactly. I didn’t know that the first 4 times I raised chicks lol.
But try moving the pine shavings and putting a paver on the floor of your brooder and see how high it makes it. If it’s head/shoulder level, they can’t climb on it and have a harder time scratching a shavings into it.
It's very easy to hang a chick-size water bottle. Here is a six-year old thread I made to teach how. The hardest part is getting the hanger centered so the bottle won't spill water. Scrolling down the thread will get to that instruction.

I've raised many baby chicks. I tried them on nipple waterers. They are simply too small and feeble to make the nipples work in the first couple weeks. It's critical they get adequate water, so I strongly recommend you introduce the nipples after they are more developed. Vertical nipples are easier for tiny beaks to depress than the horizontal nipples.

The way I work the water for chicks is to hang a chick bottle from day one to around six weeks. After that, my chicks are mingling with the adult flock, and they discover the big nipple water tank on their own. When I see they are using the big nipple water tank, I then dispense with the chick bottle.
I use nipple waterers from day 1. Make sure it is the vertices waterers as those are easier to use. To show them just bring one over and put its beak to it. then you tap on the silver part to show them and one will figure it out and start to do it and the others will be interested and also start. they pick up on it instantly.

I got "day old" chicks from a local feed store (I pre-ordered them and was called the day they came in so most likely they were around 2-3 days old) last year and raised them all on the nipple waterer from day 1 that I got them. This year I got 12 more and did the same, and also hatched 2 chicks and they used them from the first day they started drinking. I will link the one that I used (style there are a couple different brands). but now all the chickens/chicks use the nipples (I do switch to cups in the summer so they can drink more quicker in the heat but once cold weather comes I go back to the nipples, vertical once they are older. I also keep 1-2 nipples on each water bucket so they do use it during the summer and don't "forget" how to.

Mine have ZERO issues with this nipple from the beginning. it is very easy to get water from.
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I have used all of the options. I really like the vertical nipples. I use them in my run with my adult birds, too. So much neater than the regular waterers.
I currently have the waterers with the little cup at the end. I like those, too. Basically, anything *other* than the regular waterers.

I say try them out and see what works for you.
I use nipple waterers from day 1. Make sure it is the Horizontal waterers as those are easier to use. To show them just bring one over and put its beak to it. then you tap on the silver part to show them and one will figure it out and start to do it and the others will be interested and also start. they pick up on it instantly.

Mine have ZERO issues with this nipple from the beginning. it is very easy to get water from.

IMO very young chicks should not be watered solely on a horizontal nipple as they're harder to toggle. They can use it from around 2-3 weeks old onward.

The vertical nipple option shown above should be suitable for small chicks to use to start.
IMO very young chicks should not be watered solely on a horizontal nipple as they're harder to toggle. They can use it from around 2-3 weeks old onward.

The vertical nipple option shown above should be suitable for small chicks to use to start.
Oops you are right. It was late and I mixed them up. Thanks. I will fix it so I don't confuse others!
Raise up your waterer to help with the shavings issue. We just use some wood cut offs to raise it with “steps” so they can access it. Plus, if it’s on a larger piece of wood, fewer shavings nearby. So, use what is convenient. Or buy something inexpensive but easy (paver, thin cinderblock type at home store). We also had an issue with larger chicks knocking over the feeder (the chick type with taller plastic screw on container, colored bottom with holes), so we screwed the base to a square piece of plywood, problem solved.

We used vertical nipples with one batch of chicks- they were awesome ….until they weren’t. One started to leak and would completely empty into the brooder. It seemed like maybe some debris got in, but try as we might, we couldn’t fix the leak. It was annoying to have purchased an item and it stopped working with one batch of chicks!

Regular horizontal nipples would be too hard to use for very young chicks.

Only other comment is that we use waterers with the open trays for all ages. We’ve tried horizontal nipples for adults. While they “got it” and used them, seemed water consumption was less than with more open waterers. But, they are very nice for keeping out debris. So, we have our run waterers raised up on solid cinder blocks, or hanging at back height.
I am fine still using regular waterers for adults but thanks for the advice. And come to think of it the feed store I got my first batch of chicks at used a nipple. All advice is greatly appreciated so thanks everyone and thanks to future responders

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