no animal by- product feed- help please!

With the plants in the system this time of year the water is crystal clear. I am starting to harvest hot peppers and ground cherries. The herbs have been cut back a couple of times already.
Interesting, the water tanks could be used for heating cooling in hoop houses, the nutrient dense water from the guppies or shrimp could be use to as an organic fertilizer for the organic produce to complete the natural circle and help cover costs. Indeed I like the idea. Know to find a species of fish that can be raised in smaller freshwater tanks, that has a high omega 3 profile.. That would be the ticket...
A feed with environmentally responsible fish product.

I personally feel this area needs to be addressed. With Organic certification only allowing plant protein or fish protein limits the choices. The only sources widely available to the organic farmer is non GMO organic soy, which still harbors the health concerns of non fermented soy..And non GMO soy may very well become extinct, as it seems the GMO varieties readily contaminate "pure" seed...

With fish meal. Also I believe next year for certification you can not use fish meal with preservative, only certified fish meal. Which is even more expensive and still very taxing on our oceans. I see a real need for solutions such as the one you are working on.
I was reading a study done in Europe where they were using fish silage as a feed. Fermented fish the dried and ground could be a way to help preserve the product without so many chemical preventatives?
(That of course is if you go down the slippery slope of trying to come up with a commercial feed product that goes against the concept of local point source agriculture.)
You may want to look at sprouting grains as an option, sprouted grains can have up to 25% more protein, and the amino acid profiles are different, (I think more favorable as a "meat substitute")

I really like Black Oil Sunflower seed, because of the methionine, again a good non meat way to get that essential amino acid.. The market really needs commercially available Black Oil Sunflower that is not more than 20% more expensive than the non orgainc grains.
Also good old fashioned field peas are a good alternative to soy. (Something magical about that legume grain combo in foods.)

Chris, Larry J,
I have a couple of questions, your expertise in feed may help with:
1. We all know the benefits of BOSS. Why is it not in commercial feed? (Because of the high spoilage rate once ground?.)
2. What happens nutritionally when legumes and grains are combined? How do the help each other release the full nutrient potential?
3. How the heck to I find out what the amino acid profiles of sprouted Red hard wheat, oats and Boss are????

So very true..


Hey guys, you wonder why us generally passive, peace loving,"save the world" types. Explode and rant or say harsh things sometimes..?????

What I quoted from the two is an example of why... Even on a thread that is about alternative feed options.. We have to endure your little comments little jabs..... It gets old quick....

So unless you have a organic farming background I don't think you have a clue about what it means or what it involves...........
So please obstain from the cute commentary.. AND I will stay off my soap box.

Sure Katy, I am interested in what you have done in the last 50 years to avoid soy and animal by products in your flock... After all that is what this thread is about...


ON...don't know how old you are....but I may very well have been a hippie pacifist before you were even kids still call me their hippie mom. I only get defensive when people continually bad mouth my life. And just for the record unless you are farming land that has been in your family since the 1880's you don't have any idea what an emotional investment it is to us.
I wish I could catch my baby goldfish to give my pullets. The problem is we have an 1,100 gallon above ground pond---they are near impossible to get as its 34" deep!
I've had to limit the amount of plants to stop so many from reaching adulthood (yucky but true--the parents eat the eggs or baby fry if they can see them).

ON-- I actually started with a 150 gallon Rubbermiaid trough, then a 300 gallon! They worked great. Now hubby built the 1,100 gallon pond as its its much bigger for our fishy friends and attractive. We still have the 150 gallon set up and covered it with cedar so it looks pretty nice too.
"Commercial" feed will not cause Impacted Crops things that cause impacted crops are anything a bird eats that is too big to move into the digestive system. Some of these things could be whole grain (especially for small birds), grapes, and greens.


I have fed commercial feed forever & I don't remember ever having had a bird develop an impacted drop. While I have no ides what causes this condition it seems that reports of impacted crops here usually involve hybrid egg layers. I suspect that these birds sacrifice some vigor in exchange for productivity.
"Commercial" feed will not cause Impacted Crops things that cause impacted crops are anything a bird eats that is too big to move into the digestive system. Some of these things could be whole grain (especially for small birds), grapes, and greens.


I have fed commercial feed forever & I don't remember ever having had a bird develop an impacted drop. While I have no ides what causes this condition it seems that reports of impacted crops here usually involve hybrid egg layers. I suspect that these birds sacrifice some vigor in exchange for productivity.

Opinions, such as those in this thread [organic vs non-organic] are usually strongly held but neither is inherently right or wrong. Organic may be right for you but it is not right for me-get it?
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There are some commercial feeds that contains BOSS as a whole.
Manna Pro makes /made a game bird type feed that has Small Corn, Oats, Wheat, Boss and Calf Manna.
Now I think that some commercial feeds use it in there feeds but it is listed under the Grain Products listing.

We know how I love to use Pigeon Feed in my feed mix and it contains a good amount of different grains including Boss.
(Now some Pigeon Grain does not have Boss in it just like some don't have corn in it. They are two grains that raisers like to control there selves.)

Ok, folks, here's the deal. I have personally spent an hour cleaning up this mess. If I missed a snarky comment here or there, sorry, but don't quote it and keep the nasty train chugging. We are returning this to the forum since, generally, it was a good discussion. DO NOT tank this thread again. Keep comments general and not personal, use your best company manners and you may continue. If it circles the bowl again, we will flush it. Understood? Don't make me come back in here, please.

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