No. Calif. Chickenstock June 5, Kelseyville! memories and pics, p. 42+

I'll be bringing definitely myself and possibly my mom and a friend of hers. I'll post once I know for sure who will be coming!

Also, some porcelain, self blue, and spangled OEGB pullets and cockerels (around six weeks old) will be coming along! Non-hatchery stock, hatched from PeepsInc. I also have two pretty serama cockerels, I might bring them along. I don't want to give them up because I love them, but I'm not sure if their dad will tolerate them once they're older.
We'll see about them. One is really small, though, probably A-sized once he's full grown, and the other a gorgeous black/red/copper boy, probably going to be a B.

Kelseygirl707, I might be interested in some seramas and cochins! Maybe one polish, too. We'll see.
I definitely want to buy/trade for a few birds if possible. I really want a few more serama pullets so I can have a few more girls for Prince, my serama rooster. Serama hens are #1 on my "want to buy" list right now! My brother wants a new cochin, and I'm always up for more assorted pretty bantams.
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Edited because I forgot I am on my husbands computer, so it's logged on under him, but this is Kelseygirl

Awesome, I hope I can bring some, the only reason I may not be able to is because the eggs will be shipped early next week and we all know shipping eggs is a gamble, plus they will be due june 4th, so hopefully they will hatch early or right on time, otherwise I won't be able to bring them. Also depends on how many hatch, because I need to give my MIL some, and I want I think 1 cochin and 1 Serama. But I'm Excited, and can't wait to meet everybody!
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Kelseyville is more than 2 hours from where we're at, I'm not going to be able to attend. Hopefully next year's chickenstock is a bit closer.
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jeremy, sorry you won't be able to come.

no matter where we had it, the location was going to be far from somebody. in the end, Cheryl had a family emergency, so we didn't have a Bay Area location to have it. Maybe we should alternate having chickens to swap and then NOT having chickens to swap. That was the factor that made it difficult to find a location.

It will be a bit of a drive for me, too. It looks like a fabulous location, so I just decided to make a camping weekend out of it. Totally okay if you can't do that. We'll miss you, and hope to see you next time.
Aww Jeremy, I'm sorry hear that
. It sucks that no matter what place was chosen, there would be people who couldn't make it. If it hadn't been our place, the only other place we would have been able to make it to, was Auburn.
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I'm traveling more than 4 hours (actually a lot longer drive for me since doc says I have to stop and stretch every hour) but camping will make this an easy trip! Thanks to Mom and Dad and friends, I am lucky enough to have people to stay and watch the house as well as feed and care for animals.

Steve (DH) and I will be handling the BBQing. We have 1 grill and folding tables (for prepping food) but will need 3 or 4 more gas grills (or charcoal is fine if somone else wants to take responsibility for loading and lighting their's). As far as bringing enough meat to feed every one, that would be a costly enterprise but if others can bring meat as well (we are bringing ribs and pulled pork which require a lot of prep) that would be great (hamburger patties, chicken or hot dogs that require little or no prep are best). Or we could take donations to buy more ribs and pork loin. BTW I use pork ribs but if someone does not eat pork, for whatever reason, I could add some beef ribs. We can also accommodate some grilled veggies and/or veggie burgers for anyone bringing their own as long as we get the loaner grills. I love to cook and bake but for sanity's sake I will limit myself to BBQ only.

Not bringing the dogs since I know that some folks are nervous around dogs but I will be bringing some young birds cause I went kinda crazy this season and now have way too many birds for my small lot.
I am just having such a hard time deciding who to swap since I'm crazy about all of them!

We are only bringing the 2 of us.
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I was hoping you would man the BBQ, and organize all of US to bring the stuff.

DH says that works for him!
I'm still bringing some ribs and pulled pork though.

I guess I'll wait until we have a head count before I put out requests for other meats. Somebody else will still need to contribute salads, desserts, side dishes, chips, buns, condiments (mustard, ketchup, mayo, lettuce and sliced tomatoes), ice and drinks though.
I can take care of contacting and organizing the potluck food being brought if you like. I just would need other folks to head up accepting and setting up these items on tables as they arrive that morning since the BBQ will need to be watched the day of the chickenstock show. I've learned from doing a lot of events over the years (including a few BBQ fundraisers) that manning the BBQ grills requires uninterrupted focus. It would also be nice if we could get one or two volunteers to spell us that morning. Also those kind souls lending their grills would need to arrive early and set them up by 10am if we are starting at 11am and planning to eat by noon.
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I was hoping you would man the BBQ, and organize all of US to bring the stuff.

DH says that works for him!
I'm still bringing some ribs and pulled pork though.

I guess I'll wait until we have a head count before I put out requests for other meats. Somebody else will still need to contribute salads, desserts, side dishes, chips, buns, ice and drinks though.

I just went back through the posts, and found Kelseygirl's post about what is available there....
My in laws have plenty of chairs, and a few tables, but we think if needed we can borrow tables from friends. If we have it here, I don't mind picking up tablecloths and paper plates and utensils, just need to know about how many to expect. Also they have a 3 foot BBQ, and bathrooms at our use.

I hope everyone will contribute some sort of food item. I will make some sort of salad, and cook up a Dutch oven sweet treat called "monkey bread," which is really sort of like camping cinnamon buns, but it's in finger food-sized lumps. Seriously delicious.
I'll bring some food! I'm not sure what, but something tasty. I'll have to go shopping before the event and get some good snack foods and maybe desserts.
Also, I'll bring along some veggie burgers because I'm a vegetarian. I'll be happy to share some of the veggie burgers if anyone else would like some! I'll probably just bring a package of them.

I'm really excited to do some chicken swapping! The last thing I need is more chickens probably, but at least I'll be finding some homes before taking home some. Hopefully the overall number will be negative when I subtract the ones I find homes for from the ones I bring home!
Oh, chicken addiction is such a problem!

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