No early morning call :(


9 Years
Jul 14, 2010
Central Kentucky
And no updates on tracking for the last 18 hours. I called USPS customer service and explained to them it was live poultry and she put some kind of urgent status on it and says someone will call me shortly.

It's one state over! It shouldn't take long!
Just be ready for the call. My last order was delayed and I had issues with dehydrated chicks. Add some apple cidar vinagar to the water - about a capful to a pint of water and have your brooder all warm and ready to go. I used some molasses too. A little tiny bit maybe and eighth of a tsp in the water.

Hope your babies are okay.
My early morning call ended up being at 10:45am! I woke up at 5:30, waiting! I sit down, resorting to the fact that my chicks were not coming and suddenly, I got the call! I hope you get them soon!

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