No Farms No Food

Cool, Ill have to look at our stores, we raise our own beef so I dont pay alot of attention to store meat.

We have our own too, but one day I had forgotten to take some hamberger out to thaw before I left and so I thought I'd pick up a pound on the way home to use at lunch.
LOL, yeah I just dont pay attention to things like I should.
Ordered ours!
I graduated from an Agricultural High School in the late 80s. Last time I went back to visit the campus I was saddened. Why?
The herd of dairy cows was gone. The pigs. Gone. The herd of beef cattle. Gone. Sheep? Gone. Chickens? Gone

They had decided that they would focus on landscaping, horticulture, aborculture and small animal sciences. Even the tractors were gone. Although they did still have the small engine repair and wood shop. While I know the ones left are the BIG money makers. It made me sad that there was no more "farming" being done or taught.
Even the vegetable plots were gone. Turned into golf course greens.

I am glad I went there when I did. And that I learned enough to b able to "work" the land when needed.
I ordered my stickers. Oooohhhh this has been a soapbox I've been on for about 5 years. I grew up in farming country rice, corn, wheat, soybeans and etc. I worked 6 years for Riceland Foods. Then I got married and moved about 90 miles away but STILL in Arkansas. People around here know NOTHING about farming. I brought a jar to school one day that my friends at Riceland had made me for a wedding gift. It has layers of all the grains grown in Arkansas layered with also layers of the different stages of rice before boxed. The teachers were amazed by it because they had never seen these things and used it in there Arkansas History lessons. The kids know nothing about how their food is raised except for Walmart.

I called Riceland Foods and told them they needed to do a dog and pony show for the schools telling them about farming. They answered me No, we don't have TIME!!!! I told them this generation could easily put them OUT of Business.

SOrry to get on my soapbox

BTW the picture is adorable!!

I don't know about the Walmarts around the US but the ones in Arkansas have committed to buy produce locally when it's in season to help out the local economy.


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