No, I don’t have any regrets about eating animals.

I got a duel purpose breed, because at the end of the day, some will eventually have to be humanely slaughtered. That is just good animal husbandry. If they are sick or injured beyond repair, you're going to have to do it. When the day of death comes, I don't know how I'm gonna feel. Probably a bit bad, but I know they had a good life, better than those in the supermarket. I get a chicken dinner and know where my meat came from and how they lived and died. For that I am truly grateful to be able to raise chickens.
I always go with the saying "Who cares" as in Who cares what you eat as long as you aren't pushing your diet on me. I think Vegetarians, Vegans and meat eats all beating on the other are wrong. Who cares what You eat as long as I don't have you bothering ME with what I eat. It's a Freedom thing and we are all free to do as we wish without judgement by others.

Just like people feel someone being gay has to be discussed. Someone says "I'm gay" like its to be praised and again I say "Who cares". I don't tell you about my bedroom practices and I certainly don't care to hear about yours. Just as some one wanting to judge them for being gay. Who cares, let them live as they are and you should live as you are and everyone needs to stop judging others.

“Judge not, lest ye be judged.” Everyone needs to learn to live their lives and let other live theirs. The courts and a high power can do the judging, you shouldn't think you are so highly important to lecture others on their habits and customs.
I agree. I think it’s all done for attention.
just reading some of the replies and this is what i have to say.

i think we all have to way the pros and cons if eating animals is morally right for YOU and only YOU. don't tell me am some awful person cause i enjoy eating animals.

the big issue here seems to be factor farming and the life style of the animals. i don't think its natural or healthy to have thousands of birds in one giant building or layers in a small cage. home raised chicken is much tastier then factory chicken any day of the week.

some of us like me don't like killing animals we raised which is kinda strange as i love hunting and butchering animals.
just reading some of the replies and this is what i have to say.

i think we all have to way the pros and cons if eating animals is morally right for YOU and only YOU. don't tell me am some awful person cause i enjoy eating animals.

the big issue here seems to be factor farming and the life style of the animals. i don't think its natural or healthy to have thousands of birds in one giant building or layers in a small cage. home raised chicken is much tastier then factory chicken any day of the week.

some of us like me don't like killing animals we raised which is kinda strange as i love hunting and butchering animals.
Do you enjoy cooking? More than the eating? To me the eating is the pinnacle. A job well done and complete.
I do not "regret" eating animals, but I do feel guilt in eating animals when I know they've been likely treated horribly prior to them being converted to food.

I wish I could raise my own, but I have found that I just can't eat an animal that I've seen alive - I tried with a catfish I caught once, and threw up. I have a great respect for people who raise their own, to be self-sufficient, control what is going into their bodies, and give the animals a fair life prior to slaughter.
Chickens would be all jungle fowl, if it wasn't for the person in southeast asia for wanting to have a easier meal. There are some that think dairy product are produced without any harm. We have some idea what a cow has to experience to supply it's owner with milk. They don't spare every calf, that would't be cost effective.
Chickens would be all jungle fowl, if it wasn't for the person in southeast asia for wanting to have a easier meal. There are some that think dairy product are produced without any harm. We have some idea what a cow has to experience to supply it's owner with milk. They don't spare every calf, that would't be cost effective.
What do you mean, "they don't spare every calf?"
Dairy calves aren't killed at birth, they are raised in hutches and sold for meat if they aren't going to be breeders.
i don't see the problem with raising animals for meat. but some times people can't for reasons or other things. like me for example.

i can not raise and kill my own animals its just to hard? or sad? just makes me really not enjoy eating it or raising them. which is weird for me.

as i have no issue with hunting animals. and i enjoy butchering and skinning animals i hunt and trap. but i do eat weird ones. (bear is really tasty in my opinion)

I can understand your mindset. My husband really had a hard time with slaughtering our chickens at first. He said it was different than looking down the barrel of a shotgun; much more personal.
I like the "to each their own" idea. Do what you want, just don't try to shove it down my throat, or you will likely have it regurgitated right back onto you.

I like meat. I'm personally not too keen on vegans (the militant crazy ones ruin it for the rest of em, is that a nutrient deficiency of some sort rearing it's ugly head??), but again... to each their own.
You know Shannon you reminded me of something that turned up in my reading about food, farming and health etc...I read constantly and don't take official notes but I did run across at least one study that found high rates of mental illness, possibly higher rates of suicide among vegetarians. Things like that I tend to remember! lol I have no problem with trying to eat less factory farmed meat but nobody likes proselytizing whether it's religious, dietary or politics.

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