No more brooder for me....


9 Years
Dec 1, 2010
Shelton, Wa.
Let mooma do it this time.... so easy... even with 35 d. temps at night, 50's in the day.... week old chicks running in n out of the coop, learning to scratch, go in at dark, already accepted by the flock..Can't believe how fast the little guys get with the program..... Don't think I'll use the brooder again.....
I thought the same thing but sometimes they just won't get with the program and go broody when you need them too!!
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I can't get rid of the brooder and incubator. I just don't have enough go broody to hatch and raise enough chicks for my purposes. But when a hen goes broody, she gets eggs to hatch and raise. Often I'll put a few more in the incubator so she can raise even a few more, especially if the weather is nice where she can handle some extras. She also gets an honored place in my flock, where she can expect to have some of her eggs hatch and hopefully pass on that broody trait.
I will let my girls do all the work when it comes to hatching eggs but I will use a brooder to raise chicks if i don't have a broody hen to out them under.
All this talk about having a broody hen.... this is only my second natural hatch and the first time i took the chicks and put them in a brooder..... but both times i just piled up 12 eggs in a box and a hen decided she wanted to sit on them... seems easy to make them broody..... maybe i'm just lucky, or i have smart hens..... lol...
Oh the broodies are nice! No integration issues. My chicks are almost a week old and are pretty much ignored, because if you don't you get full force ninja silkie on you. I've probabaly been fussing over the broodies to much but they tollerate me, I bring scrambled eggs.
Lemme guess - silkie or cochin? Not too hard to make either of those breeds go broody.

X2. My silkies can lay an egg today, and if I don't pick it up, they can be broody on that one egg tomorrow
But that's why I have them.

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