No one wants to hear it! (pics and videos)

I mentioned recently about mountain lions being spotted, last night they came and left their big tracks. Tonight my youngest roo crowed at 9 PM which they never do. Went out to see if it was around didn't see it but dogs and horses were upset all around I could hear for miles in the still night.

Well Babies now has his own bachelor pad within the enclosure. They can all interact but no girls are running around scared of him.

Babies also wasn't having the best time he was scared of his dad and some hens so he didn't get to bathe or sleep during the day so he will be more relaxed and my girls won't get double mated or always jumpy.

He was so sweet today kept jumping onto my lap so he could nap lol sweet boy hope he stays this way!
I have five ex battery hens(I did have six but one died a couple of weeks back:() that I got August 2017. They are nearly 3 yrs now. Only one maybe two of them lay but I didn't get them for eggs. I have three white stars that lay like troopers! They're all over 4 yrs now! One had a really bad prolapse last year, she stopped laying for a couple of weeks and she's back at it! I'd be happy for them to stop now. I don't mind freeloaders, I just want them happy and healthy.

Mine can stay as long as they want as well. Eggs are not required but they are my pets. Obviously not everyone agrees with that. I do call them freeloaders at times but it doesn't seem to bother them. :confused:

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