No Vacancy at The Chick Inn, Charleston, SC


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 29, 2013
Charleston, SC
Hello from Charleston, SC - we've been backyard chicken-ing for all of about two weeks now and are completely smitten with these funny little birds! We've got a small flock of four: Julep (six week old Easter Egger); DaisyMae (seven week old Barred Rocks); Mabel (10ish week old Blue Laced Red Wyandotte); and Pearl (12 week old Splash Maran).

After a bout with Coccidia (that didn't take long to show up), mail ordering the two older birds, keeping them separated while the other two were being treated, introducing the new birds and having to witness the pecking order, I'm happy to report that co-habitation seems to be neutralizing and everyone seems to somewhat know their place within their abode, "The Chick Inn."

We're super excited about watching our little ladies grow up and learning along the way!

Stay tuned for questions like:
• "Is our Easter Egger a girl?" - cause I really really hope so!
• "What's the best way to trap (and remove) a raccoon?"
• "How do I switch to layer feed while I still have some youngins?"
from California! Ok to answer your questions, you can post a picture of your EE here: , for raccoons: and the chicken feed question, if your girls aren't laying just feed them all starter. Good luck to you.

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