No Waste Feeder

I use peck-o-matic waterer and feeders and it's great, I can fill a huge amount of feed and water (5 gallons) and there's no waste.
I found this idea online for a no waste feeder:

It seemed like a great idea, except we recently adopted a flock of "older" birds and they seem resistant to eating out of it. They have no problem picking treats out of it if they see us dropping them in there, but they don't seem to remember the fact it's the place to go for regular food. Any thoughts on training old hens new tricks?

On that note, I also found plans for a waterer:

Anyone have thoughts on this? I'm using different nipples:

Our chicks took to these right away. Let me know if you've had success with these or if you know of some better design ideas. We're trying to capitalize on space and waste, so I appreciate y'all's thoughts!

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