Normal for a silkie to lay a large egg?


Silver Feathers
Premium Feather Member
13 Years
Apr 27, 2011
Graham, WA
I've been getting a pale tan egg the color of my silkie eggs this last week. At first I thought maybe one of the rocks or brahmas was laying a much lighter than normal egg, but I have had all of them accounted for today and got this huge egg. The EE girls are accounted for with the egg colors though most of them are molting, and the only other birds are 3 months old or less. So I've eliminated everyone but my silkie that did a quick molt last month.

Is it normal for them to lay large eggs? It's huge compared to her. This is the fourth one in the last week and a half from her since she resumed laying. They have been 58-60 grams and single yolk, normal eggs.
From what I understand about silkies is they lay small eggs. Maybe the other gals you think you have accounted for are fooling you?
Maybe she molted into Super Silkie

Just kidding - if she just started laying again her body may be adjusting still. And of course it also depends on the size of the Silkie - some are closer to standard size then bantam so their eggs are a little larger then those tiny Silkie eggs. But standard size eggs would be unusual.
Well caught her in the nest box this morning. Previously she laid 46-48 gram eggs back in November before she did her broody thing and molt. I'm just worried about her with eggs that size. She weighs 1 pound 10 oz at her heaviest.

I want to hatch these, lol. See how big the chicks are.

One of my very few EE that didn't molt is barely much bigger than the silkies (about 2 and a half pounds) and she lays a 52-54 oz egg so I guess it shouldn't surprise me. Her egg should get huge. She really needs to molt as she's a hussy like my silkie girls.
Oh, I know. Catch them in the box and just wait like I did. Reached under for any eggs and waited. She takes her own sweet time, too. I was waiting about 20 minutes. Probably had to warm her butt up first and do her "I think I cans".

ETA It was 56 grams. Touch smaller than the others.
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Apparently, it was just her body getting back into the swing. She started laying every day after the last big one and the eggs went down some in size each day. They are down to 48 grams today, only 4 grams bigger than she was laying before.

She's been laying a few weeks now so I expect her to go broody shortly like she has been doing last few laying cycles.

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