North Carolina

I have learned what t his cheicken math is and told my DH and he cracked up and then said it is true. We started out that we were going to get 8, but then just rounded it to 10, but after trying to find what all of us wanted and to arrive in a time frame where we could have enough time to get things ready we ended up with 26. So he said "yup I can see the chicken math".
6? now wait you need to learn chicken math, you start out with 6 but you may end up with 20 or more, so you better think some on size. ask BHep if you don't believe me.
Here's what we did last weekend, we did more today but I haven't got any pics yet, maybe later. Anyhow, it's from "The Art of the Chicken Coop" and supposed to hold up to 15. I think that may be a little cramped. It's 8'x4' and we have done some modifications, it's also moveble with 2 16" wheels in front.
I took the plunge a few weeks ago and got 10 chicks, 8 RIR, 2 Barred Rocks, one RIR has passed. The others are getting big, FAST! I started them all in a 50 gallon tub and then split them into two tubs at almost two weeks old. They are almost three weeks old and I'm unsure about if the space is big enough. I've got an eight by four coop being built but the weekend rain is putting us behind on getting ready. So my questions are, (1) how long can they last, happily, in their brooders, (2) Do they need to be together to interact better in the future. (3) When I can they go outside to the big coop when out weather is getting up to mid 60's-70 each day, but still in the 40's at night. Our coop will have wheels so I can pack them up into it and roll it in for weather protection Anything you can offer is greatly appreciated!
Another day for the ducks

Plans for today.............WCA

I am bringing:
All sorts of hatching eggs (10 1/2 dozen)
and some chicks
A Ringneck Pheasant male
I MAY bring some Cochin X hens.
Another day for the ducks

Plans for today.............WCA

I am bringing:
All sorts of hatching eggs (10 1/2 dozen)
and some chicks
A Ringneck Pheasant male
I MAY bring some Cochin X hens.

And I still get my play by play of what's happening at the WCA, right?? Hehe. I hope you have a good turn out, make lots of profit and bring home NOTHING so you are closer to your goal of 100!!
As IF that will ever happen!! LOL

We have church today and then DH is planning on (depending on the weather) either doing some yard work or continuing work on my sewing room. Yesterday he managed to make a "box" to protect one of the vents running along the floor (this is a converted attic room) and made some access panels to the extra storage areas and the "stuff" you need access to (electrical, cable wires, etc...) LOL. Like my technical terms here? I'm SUCH a big help...not. I did paint the room once, so that must count for something at some point in time?!? LOL. My plans for today...keep DD out of the way and make food to keep him going...awaiting my play by play on the WCA and finally...plant some more herbs in my indoor pots!! Somehow I am loving that I get off easy!! LOL.

OFFICIAL COUNTDOWN: 2 week!! (Or 3 until BHep says it HAS to happen!!)
Good morning folks

Hope everyone has water wings ready for the day

The rain seems to have stopped here for the moment but I not so sure much more can soak into the ground here
......and we are on sand

guess we'll just have play like we are at the beach today

Plans for the day are out the window so choices are WCA
or housework

wonder if I can get RF to come along
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NH... I'll text you and let you know what goodies you are missing again .. LOL
I don't ever PLAN to bring anything home, my hand just automatically lifts up in the air .

I never got out to the barn yesterday for that head wet and yucky.

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