North Carolina

Your silkies should warm up to you with time--though I guess hatchery chicks it's a little harder to say. Ours like to be petted a lot, and talked to. They warm up to treats if they see the other birds eating them but haven't been as quick to grab the goodies as our other birds. Sweet pics, and good luck!

Sorry, just want to make sure I am understanding this are shooting someone else's guinea? Do they know their birds are bothering your chickens? They might be able to keep them cooped for awhile and break their habit of heading to your place. Guineas tend to follow patterns through the day, so sometimes giving them a chance to establish a new pattern helps. As an alternate encouragement to scram, you might try spraying them with water. Ours don't like that, and guineas do learn and adjust their behavior based on what they've learned. Good luck!

The owners, I have been told do know these birds are coming over and bothering our birds. I only got it with a BB and only hard enough to make it run. I am protecting my birds because I am following laws by keeping my chickens in a coop and run on my land. In Surry County you are REQUIRED to keep your birds with in your legal property lines. I have run them off several times a day for 4 or 5 months now, including dousing them with water to no avail. These birds are harassing my birds and getting too close to my kids play yard for my comfort. I have a BB gun for them and access to a rifle for preditors. So, yes, I am popping off BBs at someone else's guineas. I cannot get animal control to assist in this so I have to do something. I have too much to do during the day to be chasing them off for them to be back less then an hour later up to no good in my back yard. I don't want to come off mean hearted, but I am protecting whats mine (my birds and my kids) cause those guinea get a little braver each day. I am not waiting for one to flog one of my kids.
You know what... they all sound good to me! I'm just so thrilled they hatched!!!

They... because a second one (all black) has emerged! Pardon all the picks, I haven't hatched since last spring and I've been having withdrawls!!!! Hahahaha

Good Morning !

Welcome to the new folks.

Thanks Mary for the WCA update. I will see you there next Sun. (with eggs) and in a few weeks a "surprise". May start with the letter "P".

OooOOoOo.... Eggs!

Surprise??? I love surprises...

Today... I cleaned my house from top to bottom... boy am I tired.
Hubby put up a big coop to house his red gold pheasants in... the pheasants are so happy to have so much room. ( He got a cheap, 6 X 10 X 6, used dog kennel off of craigslist and ran chicken wire over the top of it. ) He hopes to eventually get all his pheasants in a big pen, like this one.
It was a beautiful day, today. We didn't get any rain at all.

Welcome to all the new NC BYCer's
Good morning everyone, today is gonna be a long day for me, I'm so sick :( looks like I'll be resting up and maybe making homemade chicken noodle soup. O why do I have to be sick when today is gonna be beautiful?!!

Vfem congratulations on the suprise chicks :celebrate they are super cute!
The owners, I have been told do know these birds are coming over and bothering our birds. I only got it with a BB and only hard enough to make it run. I am protecting my birds because I am following laws by keeping my chickens in a coop and run on my land. In Surry County you are REQUIRED to keep your birds with in your legal property lines. I have run them off several times a day for 4 or 5 months now, including dousing them with water to no avail. These birds are harassing my birds and getting too close to my kids play yard for my comfort. I have a BB gun for them and access to a rifle for preditors. So, yes, I am popping off BBs at someone else's guineas. I cannot get animal control to assist in this so I have to do something. I have too much to do during the day to be chasing them off for them to be back less then an hour later up to no good in my back yard. I don't want to come off mean hearted, but I am protecting whats mine (my birds and my kids) cause those guinea get a little braver each day. I am not waiting for one to flog one of my kids.

Mayberrygirl, you do whatever you have to do to keep your family and birds safe. It really angers me when people put the responsibility for their animals onto other people. None of us wants to hurt or kill any predators, either wild or 'tame'. We just want them to go away and leave us alone. But unfortunately that isn't going to happen. These types of lazy people leave the decision of life or death in the hands of the person whose family or livestock are being threatened. I don't want to shoot a neighbor's dog who gets into my pasture or coop but the owner has left me no choice.To refortify my fencing is not always going to help. No matter what type of fencing I have the determined predator ( whether wild or tame ) will keep coming back. I am sorry that the responsibility for controlling your neighbors guineas has fallen to you. And you are not 'mean hearted' are just taking care of what is yours.
Good Morning everyone

Kids have a 1/2 day of school today, so my day will fly by !

All is well....eggs are cheeping in the hatcher so should start hatching today sometime.
Awwww, just look at those fuzzy little cuties!!

x2!! Congratulations VFem on the surprise hatch!! Can't wait to see what these "gals" grow out to be!!
For all hens!!

Anyone want to give me tips on how to get/force a chicken to go broody?!?
I want some cute, fuzzy, cuddly chicks, but the DH says unless one of the chickens hatches them, we're not messing with them.
Maybe I just have baby fever and would settle for some fuzzy love since I have no say in my own!! LOL Didn't do much yesterday as I was waiting for the thunderstorms to pass....apparently they passed quickly enough as I never saw so much as a drop of rain!!
Waited all day for nothing!! BOO!! Heading off to the store today so my family doesn't starve in case I do end up going into labor sooner than "allowed"!!

Heard the WORST noise outside this morning. No clue what it was but it was sure freaky. It was some type of animal (I hope)...a young fox maybe or something that isn't a dog and makes weird noises. Either that or a mocking bird mimicking my hen who laid an egg at 6am!!
Haha...good thing I have no really close neighbors...they might HATE me for this early morning egg song!!

Have a great Wednesday everyone...suppose to be beautiful the rest of the week (until the weekend of course...maybe they will be wrong like they were yesterday!!)
Just to be clear, I am not one of these 'lazy people' and wasn't suggesting anything of the sort. I was surprised to hear the guineas were being so determined...and didn't realize the owner would be so unconcerned about what their birds were up to. Of course any type of predator has to be dealt with.

Mayberrygirl, you do whatever you have to do to keep your family and birds safe. It really angers me when people put the responsibility for their animals onto other people. None of us wants to hurt or kill any predators, either wild or 'tame'. We just want them to go away and leave us alone. But unfortunately that isn't going to happen. These types of lazy people leave the decision of life or death in the hands of the person whose family or livestock are being threatened. I don't want to shoot a neighbor's dog who gets into my pasture or coop but the owner has left me no choice.To refortify my fencing is not always going to help. No matter what type of fencing I have the determined predator ( whether wild or tame ) will keep coming back. I am sorry that the responsibility for controlling your neighbors guineas has fallen to you. And you are not 'mean hearted' are just taking care of what is yours.

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