North Carolina

Just to be clear, I am not one of these 'lazy people' and wasn't suggesting anything of the sort. I was surprised to hear the guineas were being so determined...and didn't realize the owner would be so unconcerned about what their birds were up to. Of course any type of predator has to be dealt with.

My neighbors guineas last year (most were killed by cars) he let them loose and 2 were HORRIBLE. They chased everything and would not learn for nothing the road was dangerous or that my dogs would try to eat them, they still came down all around the dogs and one of mine finally took a chunk out of one's butt. (just pulled out a clump of feathers I think)

They can be very determined creatures. This year that is only one guinea left and I told my neighbor I'm about to keep all my birds up for summer because of the gardens between mine and the neighbors, so I expect him to do the same in return with all his birds. Lets hope he actually does.
Me too, oh and some pure English choc orps too.

JEALOUS !!!!!!
Mayberrygirl, you do whatever you have to do to keep your family and birds safe. It really angers me when people put the responsibility for their animals onto other people. None of us wants to hurt or kill any predators, either wild or 'tame'. We just want them to go away and leave us alone. But unfortunately that isn't going to happen. These types of lazy people leave the decision of life or death in the hands of the person whose family or livestock are being threatened. I don't want to shoot a neighbor's dog who gets into my pasture or coop but the owner has left me no choice.To refortify my fencing is not always going to help. No matter what type of fencing I have the determined predator ( whether wild or tame ) will keep coming back. I am sorry that the responsibility for controlling your neighbors guineas has fallen to you. And you are not 'mean hearted' are just taking care of what is yours.

Thank you, I am an animal lover by nature. I don't want to hurt them, but I wouldn't want to hurt a person either, but if I feel myself, my family is threatened... all bets are off.

Just to be clear, I am not one of these 'lazy people' and wasn't suggesting anything of the sort. I was surprised to hear the guineas were being so determined...and didn't realize the owner would be so unconcerned about what their birds were up to. Of course any type of predator has to be dealt with.

Determined is not the word for these 2. I have never seen such. You would think the owners don't feed them at all. They were back bright and early this morning next door at my SIL house on top of one of her runs getting the roo I gave her all upset. I heard them, wondered over so the guinea could see me and fired off 3 warning shots to send them running (no butts were shot this morning). Just unbelievable.
My neighbors guineas last year (most were killed by cars) he let them loose and 2 were HORRIBLE. They chased everything and would not learn for nothing the road was dangerous or that my dogs would try to eat them, they still came down all around the dogs and one of mine finally took a chunk out of one's butt. (just pulled out a clump of feathers I think)

They can be very determined creatures. This year that is only one guinea left and I told my neighbor I'm about to keep all my birds up for summer because of the gardens between mine and the neighbors, so I expect him to do the same in return with all his birds. Lets hope he actually does.
I never knew how far they would travel from home. I can only imagine the damage they can do to a garden.
Just to be clear, I am not one of these 'lazy people' and wasn't suggesting anything of the sort. I was surprised to hear the guineas were being so determined...and didn't realize the owner would be so unconcerned about what their birds were up to. Of course any type of predator has to be dealt with.

I was in no way calling you or any responsible owner lazy. But there are people who don't care enough about their animals to keep them safely and securely contained. I am sorry. I didn't mean to offend anyone.
Congrats on the chicks,
for the others!!!

OK... so I have 1 finally hatch!

(Thank you Coop Scoop... RF gave them to me to eat, then a silkie went broody, so I risked that they may hatch! Happy shock!)

Funny thing though, the one that hatched was the 4th egg in the picture with no pip at the time I posted. So I'm worried about the one's that pipped. They may not make it. :( But with these 80 degree days and the warm nights, I can still hope.

Funny story. This morning on my way out the door. I was watching GMA and they play the song "Let's get it started". Just as I am passing the brooder, 2 of the older black chicks are on the ecoglow chest bumping just like football players do. LOL I wish I had been able to record it. :(

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