North Carolina

Adorable. x3

And For Sure A Chicken

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ABSOLUTELY.... could fit a trio in there no problem !!!

I have eggs !!!!!!!!!!
Ruth, Don't listen to Beth, GET MORE CHICKS... you NEED them!!!! ***look into my eye***


Pictures I took today!

Buckeye tree in bloom - its so pretty...

some of the Irises

The big butterfly bush

Some of my roses on one side of my house

My daughter's new perrenial garden

SOME of the stuff I still need to put in the ground...

You definately have a green thumb... your flowers/plants look awesome.. especially that Buckeye tree... very pretty.

I love the people on this thread! I just got my two Partridge Silkies and I keep running back and forth between my room and the living room so I can catch up but still see them every five seconds lol Sorry for the blurry pics but it was dark when we got them home

The dark one..

The light one..

Super cute silkies!

"You looking at me?"

"I think I love you, do you have anymore treats?"

"Don't hate me because I am beautiful."

"Are you back there?"

I picked up 6 of these pullets last week. Any idea what they may be?

Love the pics...

I may have to come visit you.....

Beth's house should be a hot spot to visit for everyone in NC.

Loved my short visit with her... took the tour.
I've actually decided to take the plunge and buy a bator!! Time to raise the funds!!

$20 includes bubble wrap shipping of 8+ eggs

Delawares(trio from the VP of the Dellie club)
Blue Sex Links
Black Sex Links

Feel free to mix/match. PM me!
Is anyone interested in an EE roo or a BR roo? We are selling both of our roosters. They are both about 9 months old. Purchased last July. Neither have shwn any agression towards us. Neither seems overly aggressive with the hens either. I know of at least 1 rooster in the chicks we have so we will have a new rooster soon enough. DH has decided we can sell both of our adult roos. I already put an ad on CL but figured I'd ask here too. We are only asking $5 apiece for them. The EE roo is our dominant rooster and crows all the time. The BR is the submissive rooster and does not crow right now. Let me know if you are interested please. We are close to Lexington, and Salisbury. We are in Davidson county.
Here are some pictures for y'all.

EE roo

BR roo
Good morning all, so here at 5.30am is the chick update:

SL Wyandottes : 6 hatched, 3 pipped out of 11

BL Wyandottes: none hatched, 2 pipped out of 12

Barnvelders : none hatched, 1 pipped out of 12

just in to day 21
I Love hatch day !!!

I have 5 B/W Ameracauna out this morning day 21.
and too many eggs to count

But breeds are Lav. Orps, Madagascar Games, Golden Lakenvelders & bantam Barred Rocks.

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