North Carolina

HOF- I'm so Happy
for you! I pray you will continue to heal and that you will be able to fufill your dreams!

Did I mention the Buckeye eggs in the bator ?
Where do I sign up for MORE?? DH even said we need more!!

Ruth, Don't listen to Beth, GET MORE CHICKS... you NEED them!!!! ***look into my eye***

I am looking into your eyes...yes, YES I NEED MORE CHICKENS!! MUST GET MORE CHICKENS!! **commence zombie trance-like walk**

Congratulations on the news!! We hope and pray things continue to improve for you and when you are able...we will all do the chicken dance WITH you!!

On a side note, we pulled the 4 eggs that mama was sitting on. DH bravely cracked them open to see what was up, 2 were duds and 2 were in some stage of development but had quit. Fooey!! Mama is going to have to be happy with her ONE lone chick who is just so stinking CUTE!! **enters zombie like trance** MUST HAVE MORE!! LOL
Bantams do not count... ever !!

I have real nice small Serama ! BBRs Black Molted D'Ucccles Bantam Wyandottes Partridge & silver laced bantam Ameracaunas

My slowly-getting-addicted hubby asked about going to WCA tomorrow. I reminded him that we are having guests. So he opted for us to go to the flock swap at Southern Gin and Grain.

And we came home with two pairs of bantams.
A really nice lemon blue OEG pair and an okay crele OEG pair. (I'll get the camera out there later. I've got more set-up to do in their cages, but figured they'd like to drink, eat and get accustomed to the view for a bit before I finished up.) Another man had crele roos that I really liked, but no girls. I'd like to find some girls. For all of them, actually. I'd rather have a trio for each than a pair. Then I can go back for one of his roos. I got his number.
Hubby really likes the OEGs, and if he's interested, I'll feed that...Ummm...I mean, I'll give in and let him have his way.
Lots of colors in those, so I can have fun. That means I'll give up the Seramas (for now...

So, what do you have in the way of BBRs? And will you still have some in two weeks when I can come?

OH! and thanks to you all for sharing in my happy! I'm celebrating by buying more chickens, obviously!
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Guess I missed you Hollow. I got there at little after 9 am and left noon ish. Did not do too good this time. I WILL be heading to the WCA tomorrow.
I am SO SOOooo happy for you
and will pray for further improvements.

I have BBRs. black breasted reds OEGBs. I will have to get some pics posted. These guys are tiny and real friendly !!!

NH..... Too bad on the duds.
You will NEED to take these Buckeyes.... I do NOT need another breed.
I got the eggs on a swap.

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