North Carolina

No Serama either...only outside. I need to get my act together for next year.
I didn't see many marans or ameracanas either....... lots of breeds were not there
Oh! I did some thinking on the way home. (Enough thinking that I completely missed the huge and well-marked turn from 40 to 95 and was ten miles down the road before I even noticed!!
) So, after I got home and cleaned up JDC, I went walkabout. Hubby joined me and asked what I was looking at. I pointed out to him that we had left space for bee hives when we fenced the sheep pasture on the north side, and I was considering splitting that pasture and putting another chickenhouse there. (Shortly after we fenced that side is when we found out about my neuromuscular disease. I can't do bees, and he's not interested.) Or rather, asking HIM to build another one there. To my surprise, he said to just let him know if I was going to over-flow and he'd take care of it.
Of course, I combined that request with pointing out that he didn't need to build a quarantine pen. We can partition off some of the southwest sheepshed. None of the free-ranging birds can get there, and I'm not breeding sheep any more so they really don't need it all. So I'm really just trading one chore for another. Still, nice to know that he'll build me another chickenhouse when I need it. In fact, he pointed to the newest sheepshed-turned-chickenhouse and said he could do me another like that if I wanted. It's 20 x 16 feet! I think that might be a tight fit in the available space!

He's a keeper!
I want to apologize for not being able to talk to anyone ,I must of heard my named called at least 1000 times ,so I decided to change my name .Benny it was nice to meet you today. Maybe you and your better half and anyone else that wants to can make it to our next meeting in Jan the third sunday of the month at 3:00 in Linden at the Methodist church.. No you don't have to be a member of any club APA, ABA or our club its open to all.. If anyone is interested I am willing to meet with them to help get them started ( give a few pointer to help out).I really hope ou all had a good time and will come back next year to help us grow bigger and better .. Any ? just ask I finally got home at 8:30 from cleaning up have to go back tomorrow to get the trailers

I want to apologize for not being able to talk to anyone ,I must of heard my named called at least 1000 times ,so I decided to change my name .Benny it was nice to meet you today. Maybe you and your better half and anyone else that wants to can make it to our next meeting in Jan the third sunday of the month at 3:00 in Linden at the Methodist church.. No you don't have to be a member of any club APA, ABA or our club its open to all.. If anyone is interested I am willing to meet with them to help get them started ( give a few pointer to help out).I really hope ou all had a good time and will come back next year to help us grow bigger and better .. Any ? just ask I finally got home at 8:30 from cleaning up have to go back tomorrow to get the trailers

I think that I might remember how to get to Linden
But the timing might be hard to make, as we are normally riding our hay-burners about then.

It's 2:48 AM. Something woke us both from a sound sleep to sitting up asking what the heck was that?
To me it sounded like the turkeys raising Cain. To hubby it sounded canine, like a dog /coyote/fox caught in a fence or trap. (I'm deaf in one ear, and sleep good ear down, so his hearing is more reliable) Regardless, we rolled out with the dogs and checked everyone. They seemed to be asking why we were up in the middle of the night.
No dog reacted to any scent. or sound.

Don't know what it was, but it wasn't after our stock. Maybe the neighbors had troubles with something.

At any rate, hope your night is uneventful!
Good Morning Everyone!

Aside from the noisemakers in the middle of the night, I had a good night's sleep! Just waiting for the sun to appear so I can go release the older chicks and their guard turkeys.

The baby bunnies are almost six weeks old now. I'm leaving them with mom until eight weeks to see how they do. I've been using the unoccupied cages as drying racks, so I guess I need to get all those things out of there and set up at least two for bunnies. I'll split them up by sex first, then decide who stays and who goes to freezer camp.
One doe stays for sure. Haven't decided if I want to keep a buck too.

I was watching the little chickies after putting down fresh bedding yesterday. I use hay. Normally I use Coastal, as it's smaller, softer and cheaper than Timothy, but Timothy is all I have on hand right now, so I'm using it. It has big seed heads on it, and the chickies are loving those. I think this week I'm going to go to the bait shop and get some crickets to turn loose in there.

Hubby is going to get new perches in JDC soon, as the older ones are perching on the rims of the feeders. He says he'll make them height adjustable for me.

Have a great day everybody!

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