North Carolina


Feeling super blessed for my husband and 2 children who always love and support me, making me into the mom I am today!

I hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday. And Mama's take a day off, let the hubby go clean the coop!!!
Good Morning and HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all you mom's out there - regardless if your babies have fur, feathers, fins, four legs or two (and anything that might have been missed by my alliteration)!!

All is well here at the Meadows!!

CHICKEN FEED QUESTION: I have a friend who is looking to buy some eggs or raise a few chickens, but because of a severe allergy to certain items has asked me (I guess I am known as the allergy queen or something...LOL).  Anyway, she is looking to start up a small backyard flock because of her allergies to: wheat, dairy, corn, soy, barley - she is skeptical about oats because unless they are fully "allergy free" she cannot have any.  She would be able to pasture raise a few (she's thinking 3 max) chickens, but was wondering what else to supplement them with if they cannot have any typical feed.  Do any of you have any suggestions??  I easily understood how to find soy free alternatives, but aside from ordering a tote of special ground feed, I was a bit at a loss as to how to help her.  I know you can mix your own feed, but I do not know enough about nutritional requirements to feel competent enough to even make suggestions.  Thank you in advance for any suggestions you might be able to offer!!

Those of you going to WCA - have a GREAT day!  To the rest of us...Have a wonderful day as well!
First question is what of those transfers to the egg or meat. I know there's one or two components of soy that do appear to transfer with allergen molecules intact, but that's a pretty rare phenomenon. Before going to all the trouble of finding feeds free of all these items, it would be worth it to check on transfer. If wheat and corn transfer, then a lot of people would be on vegan diets, as those are common allergens. But they aren't.

If she chooses to go the free-range-with-supplement route, caution her that in most free-range conditions, chickens can NOT get most of their feed from ranging, except perhaps in summer. They sure can't in winter, or spring, or fall. And a thin chicken is a non-egg-laying chicken. They can't produce eggs without being well-fed. (I see too many people that think their chickens can provide for themselves. If you've got a half-acre per bird, sure...but there's just not enough edible greens and insects to go around...and people who think the birds can forage for everything are often cruelly underfeeding their birds...and most would not realize it! So, it's a soapbox for me!). Regardless, research needs to be done on continuance of allergen proteins after digestion and incorporation into eggs or meat.
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First question is what of those transfers to the egg or meat. I know there's one or two components of soy that do appear to transfer with allergen molecules intact, but that's a pretty rare phenomenon. Before going to all the trouble of finding feeds free of all these items, it would be worth it to check on transfer. If wheat and corn transfer, then a lot of people would be on vegan diets, as those are common allergens. But they aren't.

If she chooses to go the free-range-with-supplement route, caution her that in most free-range conditions, chickens can NOT get most of their feed from ranging, except perhaps in summer. They sure can't in winter, or spring, or fall. And a thin chicken is a non-egg-laying chicken. They can't produce eggs without being well-fed. (I see too many people that think their chickens can provide for themselves. If you've got a half-acre per bird, sure...but there's just not enough edible greens and insects to go around...and people who think the birds can forage for everything are often cruelly underfeeding their birds...and most would not realize it! So, it's a soapbox for me!). Regardless, research needs to be done on continuance of allergen proteins after digestion and incorporation into eggs or meat.
Good info about free ranging and feed transfers!!!!!

Happy Mother's Day
My son brought his dog with him, as usual. Today, I have five dogs in the house, and they won't settle. Levi wants to chew on Dusty. Dusty will have none of it. Murphy wants to dominate Dusty. Dusty ignores him. Dusty and Reilly simply ignore each other. But Dusty loves Jake and keep giving him kisses and trying to be buddies. Jake tolerates it for a few minutes, then moves away.

Hubby and son are out treating fire ant hills, so all the doggies are in here with me. The dynamics are so fun!
Happy Mother's Day to all you mom's and soon to be mom's. I was wondering if any of you have had your girls slow down laying lately? Mine were giving me about 8 or so a day and then all of a sudden only getting about 4 or 5. It seemed to start when the weather got crazy the last couple of weeks. I was just wondering if the weather has anything to do with it. Thanks for any help and hope you all have a great day doing whatever you are doing today.
When the nights got cool again my girls cut back some. I went from 36-40 eggs a day down to 28-30. Then of course there are the broodies. There are 11 of those around on empty nests. I think I have 4 broke, but we will see.

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Happy Mother's Day to all! Having a wonderful day. I spent the morning watching the kids do all the stuff around the house I normally do and then spent some of the afternoon out in the woods with my DH getting in some practice shooting.

Here's what my girls made me for Mother's Day

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