North Carolina

Good morning folks

Congrats to everyone with new chicks

I am loving this weather, not real hot, not too cool
and all the critters are liking it but it is a tad bit too
dry......just a little rain is all I need here.

hope everyone has a good day
I have not been on in a while. Life got challenging over the last few weeks.
Chicken news I have one new chick, my silky hatched a cute little one.
Health news, I am having some tummy issues and am working thru them. Ugh.
Kid news they are great and busy. LOL
Dog news my Shep has been put on pain killers. He is 11 years old and has hip dysplasia. I am currently buying his med from the vet. Is there a cheaper source? Or an alternative med? He is on prednisone 5mg and novox 100mg.
Glad to hear from you Moores6, hope you get back to feeling better. Hope your chick does well. When my king shepard got older (he was 14 when he died) we gave him glucosimine (sp) pills in some bread for his arthritis. It helped, but I don't know about pain pills. You could try looking online at the vet supply sites (like people do for flea and tick meds) Good luck
Yes, as RF said the only difference is the coloring. But they are SOOOO pretty. And pretty hard to come by as far as hatching eggs go. A few of the hatcheries sell them, with a 2 chick maximumm as straight run and they sell out right away in the spring. Eggs for them don't show up on ebay all that frequently either. This seller was actually from NC out in mountains (try to find eggs that don't have a far trip in the mail).

(these aren't my photos, I just googled it to show you what they look like)

Love the silkie chicks, they are so cute! I think it would be fun to have a broody hen, they're so cute together

Soupy-- adorable polish!!! My son has wanted one of those since I first started getting chickens, but I read they could be flighty and not like to be held or good with kids because of the feathers blocking their eyes. Yours seem great with kids, maybe I will have to get him one!
Dutchbunny you could try to contact the seller and see if they can or will sell you eggs as well. I have had sellers do that before. Not with eggs but other items. They will probably be willing especially if you are willing to pay what the ebay bidder did. Just an idea.

Edit: there is an auction right now for some out of Conover. Ends in 11+hours. On ebay
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Awesome thanks!!!!

That's the same seller as yesterday!
I've been looking for them for awhile on there without any luck, I wonder if he just started selling them on ebay.
He's the only seller of them right now.
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Good morning. Kind of down today. Just remembered that today is 9/11. Feels like it happened yesterday, remember the fear that my grandmother might have been at work in the tower that day. Just so sad for all of the violence in the world.
Someone posted in here recently a link to a thread about fermented feed.
I wanted to learn more about it and can't find the link.
I tried typing it in the search bar, but got like 2,000 threads.


**NEVERMIND** I didn't realize I could search the actual thread, thought I had to search the whole site.
I found it, thanks BHep!
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