North Carolina


didn't know politicians were allowed at flock swaps!

Hey everyone! I've been thinking and thats never a good thing when it comes to our chickens...
First off, I've been trying fermented feed, is this what it is suppose to look like once its done?

It got the white film over the top and had the off smell (honestly it smells like B-B-Q chicken to me...)
Most of our girls love it, some more than others, but still they do.

Next order of business, *business*.
I want to do something, if only small for now, to earn a little money with our chickens. We currently have 3 Silver Laced Wyndotte Pullets, 2 Welsummer pullets, 2 RIRs, 3 buff orpingtons, 3 Black Australorps, 2 cuckoo maran chicks (most likely 1 pullet, and 1 cockerel, 1 splash orpington, 1 dark brahma, 1 Japanese Bantam rooster, a buff cochin bantam pair, and a golden campine bantam pair. When I look at it, its quite a variety. However, I really think we should cut back to a select few breeds.

What we want to do is sell eggs, which we have already started, easily following the egg law. We only have a few customers right now, but we know more people who would be interested in buying eggs if we got a more coming in. To do that I think we need to cut back to a few breeds. The problem is I love all of our breeds. I have a great attachment to our Cuckoo Marans (want to get different kinds) and our little Japanese Bantam rooster named Houdini (he can get out of literally anything!!!). Oh and he started crowing a few mornings ago and he sounds so hilarious!

While selling eggs we also thought of maybe selling chicks and started chickens of whatever breeds we decide to focus on. We thought maybe doing a breed meant for good layers and a bantam breed (Either our Japanese or Campines <both are way to sweet!> ) Who knows maybe we can do both....

Anyway I don't know too much about "breeding" and selling chicks and birds. I understand the whole thing with the green card, but not much else besides that so I'm looking to my fellow chicken people for advice. Anyone able to help me figure that out?

Last but not least, coop. Our old coop at our old barn was really nice and held our 6 RIRs at that time just fine, but we had to move our barn and now we only have a temp setup for our girls and its not the best. We need to try and figure out a system that works for free ranging, breeding, and ect. We can't really afford to get anything really expensive (another reason getting a little money from the chickens would be nice), so we need to figure something nice and secure that isn't completely and ludicrously expensive. Could anyone send me pictures of their coops? I need to get some ideas on how to build our permenent situation (oh and we need an isolation pen) and I am not constructionally inclined... Or if anyone could help me find a reasonably priced coop to become apart of the set-up... Any help works.

I mean I'm not looking to make big bucks, but hopefully just enough to pay for their feed and maybe a little bit of pocket cash. Any advice would be appreciated!!! Whether it be what kind of chicks people would buy, what breeds to focus on, or well anything!!!!

Hey everyone hope ya'll are having a better week then me. still feels so wierd in the house without my Aunt, I think her death would be easier to accept if she hadn't been so young. Preparing for the funeral has been rough. not to mention with out her income my mom and I are barely keeping afloat and its only been a week. so many bills to pay and not nearly enough money, really stressing out. trying to sell coops and chickens but no luck yet, sold a few but not enough to cover feed this month. free range flock it free ranging from sun-up to sun-down which is helping some. all I can do at this point is keep strong and pray hard. hope you all have a good weekend
Good morning folks

Another busy weekend for me is coming on
with a head of steam........there is SO much to
get done but I REALLY don't want to miss out
on my Friday night coffee date....... need to get
birds ready for a flock swap Saturday...........need
to mow some grass...........I need a clone

hope everyone has a good day
Hey everyone! I've been thinking and thats never a good thing when it comes to our chickens...
First off, I've been trying fermented feed, is this what it is suppose to look like once its done?

It got the white film over the top and had the off smell (honestly it smells like B-B-Q chicken to me...)
Most of our girls love it, some more than others, but still they do.

Next order of business, *business*.
I want to do something, if only small for now, to earn a little money with our chickens. We currently have 3 Silver Laced Wyndotte Pullets, 2 Welsummer pullets, 2 RIRs, 3 buff orpingtons, 3 Black Australorps, 2 cuckoo maran chicks (most likely 1 pullet, and 1 cockerel, 1 splash orpington, 1 dark brahma, 1 Japanese Bantam rooster, a buff cochin bantam pair, and a golden campine bantam pair. When I look at it, its quite a variety. However, I really think we should cut back to a select few breeds.

What we want to do is sell eggs, which we have already started, easily following the egg law. We only have a few customers right now, but we know more people who would be interested in buying eggs if we got a more coming in. To do that I think we need to cut back to a few breeds. The problem is I love all of our breeds. I have a great attachment to our Cuckoo Marans (want to get different kinds) and our little Japanese Bantam rooster named Houdini (he can get out of literally anything!!!). Oh and he started crowing a few mornings ago and he sounds so hilarious!

While selling eggs we also thought of maybe selling chicks and started chickens of whatever breeds we decide to focus on. We thought maybe doing a breed meant for good layers and a bantam breed (Either our Japanese or Campines <both are way to sweet!> ) Who knows maybe we can do both....

Anyway I don't know too much about "breeding" and selling chicks and birds. I understand the whole thing with the green card, but not much else besides that so I'm looking to my fellow chicken people for advice. Anyone able to help me figure that out? Dual propose breeds tend to do well at sales, kinda of like the old tried and true breeds are barred rocks, red sexlinks, RIR (though its hard to find a real honest RIR since hatcheries don't really sell the real ones). The hard to find/ odd breeds get lots of looks and comments made about them but most people wont buy them. Thanks to places like GFF we now deal with the "hot new breed" of the year that alot of people will want because no one/ or few have them. But after the "rush" on that breed (if there is even a rush) its off to the next new breed. You can keep all your breeds and sell eggs from all and even chicks. If you decide to do chicks, I would suggest getting roosters to go with each breed of hen you have. I am a sucker for the odd breeds as I have come across a few here and there myself. I know that there's not alot of campine breeders. You might look into getting an SOP book and breeding campines to SOP. If you look around on the internet or here you might find someone with some decent ones for you to start with as I'm not to sure yours are totally pure (but they are pretty none the less)

Last but not least, coop. Our old coop at our old barn was really nice and held our 6 RIRs at that time just fine, but we had to move our barn and now we only have a temp setup for our girls and its not the best. We need to try and figure out a system that works for free ranging, breeding DH got some old game pens for small breeding pens and I know others who use the big chain link dog runs for chicken pens or breeding pens. Both can be fond on Craig's list or yard sales , and ect. We can't really afford to get anything really expensive (another reason getting a little money from the chickens would be nice), so we need to figure something nice and secure that isn't completely and ludicrously expensive. Could anyone send me pictures of their coops? I need to get some ideas on how to build our permenent situation (oh and we need an isolation pen the wire dog kennels that are fold-able work well as a sick bay or qt area. You can move them easy and they are also very easy to clean and disinfect. They come in alot of sizes also and most easily fold flat for storage when not in use.) and I am not constructionally inclined... Or if anyone could help me find a reasonably priced coop to become apart of the set-up... Any help works.

I mean I'm not looking to make big bucks, but hopefully just enough to pay for their feed and maybe a little bit of pocket cash. Any advice would be appreciated!!! Whether it be what kind of chicks people would buy, what breeds to focus on, or well anything!!!!

OOH it's gonna be a long weekend. I'm also going to the flock swap in Cedar Creek. I doubt I'll find anything I need but I love going and seeing everyone. Plus I have a few birds I need to move. Hope everyone has a great Friday.
Hey everyone! I've been thinking and thats never a good thing when it comes to our chickens...
First off, I've been trying fermented feed, is this what it is suppose to look like once its done?

It got the white film over the top and had the off smell (honestly it smells like B-B-Q chicken to me...)
Most of our girls love it, some more than others, but still they do.

Yes! You stirred the film back in right?
Quoted Originally:
Originally Posted by RF:

Anyway I don't know too much about "breeding" and selling chicks and birds. I understand the whole thing with the green card, but not much else besides that so I'm looking to my fellow chicken people for advice. Anyone able to help me figure that out? Dual propose breeds tend to do well at sales, kinda of like the old tried and true breeds are barred rocks, red sexlinks, RIR (though its hard to find a real honest RIR since hatcheries don't really sell the real ones). The hard to find/ odd breeds get lots of looks and comments made about them but most people wont buy them. Thanks to places like GFF we now deal with the "hot new breed" of the year that alot of people will want because no one/ or few have them. But after the "rush" on that breed (if there is even a rush) its off to the next new breed. You can keep all your breeds and sell eggs from all and even chicks. If you decide to do chicks, I would suggest getting roosters to go with each breed of hen you have. I am a sucker for the odd breeds as I have come across a few here and there myself. I know that there's not alot of campine breeders. You might look into getting an SOP book and breeding campines to SOP. If you look around on the internet or here you might find someone with some decent ones for you to start with as I'm not to sure yours are totally pure (but they are pretty none the less)

Last but not least, coop. Our old coop at our old barn was really nice and held our 6 RIRs at that time just fine, but we had to move our barn and now we only have a temp setup for our girls and its not the best. We need to try and figure out a system that works for free ranging, breeding DH got some old game pens for small breeding pens and I know others who use the big chain link dog runs for chicken pens or breeding pens. Both can be fond on Craig's list or yard sales , and ect. We can't really afford to get anything really expensive (another reason getting a little money from the chickens would be nice), so we need to figure something nice and secure that isn't completely and ludicrously expensive. Could anyone send me pictures of their coops? I need to get some ideas on how to build our permenent situation (oh and we need an isolation pen the wire dog kennels that are fold-able work well as a sick bay or qt area. You can move them easy and they are also very easy to clean and disinfect. They come in alot of sizes also and most easily fold flat for storage when not in use.) and I am not constructionally inclined... Or if anyone could help me find a reasonably priced coop to become apart of the set-up... Any help works.

I mean I'm not looking to make big bucks, but hopefully just enough to pay for their feed and maybe a little bit of pocket cash. Any advice would be appreciated!!! Whether it be what kind of chicks people would buy, what breeds to focus on, or well anything!!!!


RF- Thank you for the advice! We are planning on doing dual purpose breeds. I definitely want to do more with our Marans. I love our Silver Cuckoo Marans, and now I drastically want Golden Cuckoo Marans!!! We will most likely do something with our RIRs and Australorps for breeding, to sell chicks. My mom also really really really wants Jersey Giants so we might do something with them and we are getting some Lavender Orpingtons this spring, so that might be plausable as well. I might just do like you said and do something with all of our birds but focus the most on some breeds more than others.

For our coop right now, we are actually using dog chain fences. Right now we have a 10X20 for our laying girls, and two smaller pens for our grow outs and our bantams.

Oh I got in contact with the person we got our Campines from and he guarantees we have purebreed Campines. Would you be able to explain to me what SOP is? Like I said I don't know too much. And if we do breed what else do we have to do to become qualified besides the green card?

We also got our first egg out of someone.... not sure who....

And of course while we speak, our person we got our Golden Campines from, just let us know he just got some Mille Fleur Cochin Bantams and my moms jumping on it sooooo fast. I have never heard of these guys til just five minutes ago.. Anyone know anything about them?
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Hey everyone hope ya'll are having a better week then me. still feels so wierd in the house without my Aunt, I think her death would be easier to accept if she hadn't been so young. Preparing for the funeral has been rough. not to mention with out her income my mom and I are barely keeping afloat and its only been a week. so many bills to pay and not nearly enough money, really stressing out. trying to sell coops and chickens but no luck yet, sold a few but not enough to cover feed this month. free range flock it free ranging from sun-up to sun-down which is helping some. all I can do at this point is keep strong and pray hard. hope you all have a good weekend

So sorry for everything thats going on Meredith!!!! You are in our prayers!

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