North Carolina

Hollow-- SO excited for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Deworming Question-- I can't remember what the minimum age is. And does anyone remember the dosing for Zimecterin Gold? I'm pretty sure that's what I used last time. I noticed a couple have some pretty watery poo lately, figure try that before they start laying and I can't have eggs? Or should I just let it go, we give them table scraps could have been something they ate? I thought I remembered people doing theirs twice a year regardless of signs just to protect them?

Yeah, my best laid plans for kids didn't work out so well either. The only part that worked was not being pregnant more than 3 times (so far that has worked)
Didn't your DH want enough kids to field his own sports team, at one time?

Just wondering if I'm remembering right

Yeah, he changed them plans quick though
Good morning everyone!

Woke up to about 40 quail babies!

Anyone ever heard of a rooster collar??? Saw it on another thread. It's pretty much a collar made of Velcro that's supposed to make your rooster crow less/quieter??? At this point anything is worth a try....
thought you didn't have any roosters anymore?

They keep getting a reprieve!!!
Every time I send DH out to do it he ends up getting side tracked or it starts raining! And they are getting REALLY loud. Even the freedom ranger roo has started crowing (think he learned from the Lav Orp).
I think he really wants to keep them & he knows I'm not going to be the one out there to do it!
He said he would do it today, I have a dr's apt at 4, I guess we will see....

As far as chicks go it looks like I have 1 exchequer leghorn, 3 blue breda & 2 Olive Eggers as roos too....

At least these ridiculous meat turkeys are gone!!!!!!!! Down to our royal palm hen & our bourbon red mix Tom.

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